Chapter 4

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Em's Pov

"Em!" someone shouted. I turned around to see who it was but found that I couldn't due to the fog all around me.

"Em!" there it was again. I checked my surroundings and saw someone with black hair in the distance. It was Phil. 

"Em, Dan's dead. I couldn't save him" Phil said with tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"Save him from what?" I asked. I began to panic.

"Him... he-" Phil began "Run he's coming" 

"Who is, what is wrong?!" I asked. 

"Just go" As Phil said this I ran. I looked behind me to see another person with Phil. His face was pale and he had no nose. 

"Avada Kadavra" the mysterious pale man said and he pointed his wand towards Phil. Phil fell backwards and his body hit the ground. He was dead.

"No!" I shouted and ran towards the person. I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized who it was. It was Voldemort. Well... It looked like Voldemort. Voldemort died at the battle of Hogwarts so it couldn't be him. Could it?

"Em!" I heard Phil shout "Em! Wake up!"

"Em wake up" Phil said and began to shake me awake. I opened my eyes. I was in my bed and Phil, Chris, and Connor were standing all around me.

"What's wrong guys?" I asked. I remembered my dream in detail. From the shouting, to Phil dying, to seeing someone who looked like Voldemort.

"Em, you were sobbing in your sleep" Chris said. I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It was 6 am. The sunrise shone through the window in our room.

"Em, what's wrong?" Phil's voice snapped me out of my daydream like state. I had been staring off into space. 

"Nothing, it was just a nightmare" I said.

"You sure?" Connor asked "You said something about Voldemort"

"Yeah, I'm sure" I said and gave them a weak smile. Chris and Connor went and sat down on their beds and Phil sat next to me on mine. I scooted over and gave him some room. But then the flashbacks came. I began to sob as I remember how Voldemort had killed Phil. Phil hugged me and rubbed little circles on my back.

"Hey" he said in a soothing voice "It's okay" I looked at him then at Connor and Chris. They got back up and walked over to me. Chris sat on the other side of me and Connor sat on the end of my bed. Phil layed his head on top of mine. 

"We are here" Chris said.

"Please just tell us what happened in your dream" Connor said. I sighed and explained everything. Except for the part about Dan. They didn't need to know about him. They may find out that I sorta like him. 

"Well, Phil is alive and well" Connor said "And Voldemort died at the battle of Hogwarts so there's nothing to worry about". Phil let go of me and disappeared with Chris and Connor. I was alone. I got dressed as quick as I could and soon after I put my hair up Chris, Phil, and Connor came back into the room. Chris and Connor were each holding a mug of something that looked like coffee and Phil was holding two mugs of it. Phil gave one to me and all four of us sat on the floor. 

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's coffee" Phil said.

"Thank you" I replied. I slowly sipped the coffee. I was already feeling more awake. All of the sudden my owl swooped in through our window and dropped a letter in the middle of the circle. I sat my coffee down and opened it up. The letter fell out of my hands and began to shout. My little brothers voice came out of the letter. 

"Em!" Teddy/the letter shouted "How are you?". The letter continued like this for a bit and then it fell to the ground. Everything went silent. I giggled.

"Looks like my brother needs a lesson on the differences between a normal letter and a Howler" I said. Phil laughed and Chris and Connor smiled. We talked for a little bit and compared our schedules. I had Quidditch practice after school with Phil. We played something like it at Ilvermorny and I was recommended for it here at Hogwarts. I had potions and transfiguration with Connor. When we were done comparing our schedules I left the room and Phil, Connor, and Chris got ready to go. After that we headed out of our common room and down the stairs for our first day of classes.

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