Chapter 9

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Em's Pov

The next morning when I woke up I got dressed and rushed to the hospital wing. Phil was already better. His leg was fixed up and he was walking around to make sure everything was okay.

"Hey, I see you're better now" I said as I walked up to him.
"Yeah, the nurse says I can leave now, you ready to go?" he asked. I nodded and we walked out of the hospital wing. On our way back to the Hufflepuff common room I told him about my dream.

"What do you think it means?" I asked.

"You may just be having these dreams because you're worried about something else" Phil suggested. He wasn't wrong, I was worried. I was worried about the whole Dan thing and the whole PJ situation that went down the day before. But of anything to have dreams about, why was it Voldemort coming back? Maybe I was looking too far into it.

"You're probably right" I said. The rest of the walk to the common room was done in silence. As soon as we came through the door Chris and Connor ran up to Phil and gave him a hug.

"Bro, are you okay?" Connor asked.

"Yeah" he said and smiled, "Any news on what happened with PJ?"

"No, we'll see though today at Quidditch practice" I said. Phil got ready to go and we headed to our first class. The day went by slowly but eventually it was time for practice. Phil and I walked out onto the field where our team was standing. Our team captain was talking to the team captain of the Slytherin team. I surveyed the grounds and I didn't see PJ. Even though he didn't play, he often watched practice because Dan was on the team.

"Hey, are you okay? I heard about what happened yesterday" someone said. I turned around and  saw Dan standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, Phil had to stay in the hospital wing over night but I'm okay" I said with a reassuring smile, "Did PJ get in trouble?"

"Yeah, he has 1 month of detention with Filch and he's not allowed to watch practices anymore" Dan explained. Even though I thought PJ deserved to be in more trouble than that, at least he had no chance to bug me and Phil anymore.

"Okay teams, lets start" the Slytherin captain and Hufflepuff captain said at the same time. I got onto my broom and kicked up into the air. The snitch was released and me and Dan began our search for it. I saw it right in front of me but it flew away before I grabbed it. I got distracted by something in the forbidden forest and I heard Dan shout,

"Duck!" I did as he said and a bludger flew over my head. That was a close one. Slytherins were winning but if I caught the snitch Hufflepuff would still win. I saw the snitch again and chased after it with Dan right next to me. We reached out and caught it at the same time, loosing control of our brooms. We fell to the ground and the game was over. Slytherin won, they still had more points even though we both caught the snitch. Dan and I got up and brushed ourselves off. I looked out towards the forbidden forest but this time I didn't see anything.

"Em, are you okay?" Phil asked, running up to me.

"Yeah, I got distracted by an animal" I said. I lied, I couldn't let anyone know what I really thought I saw. I thought I saw PJ talking to someone. Someone who looked awfully familiar.

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