Broken Hearted </3

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I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, listening to Mindless Behavior as I always did. Except this time, it didn't make me feel much better.

Everytime I heard Prodigy's voice, I would cry for the love between him and Sahana.

Everytime I heard RayRay's voice, I would cry remembering that he was the reason I ever met Mindless Behavior.

Everytime I heard Princeton's voice, I would cry remember one of my best friends.

Everytime I heard Roc's voice, I cried

remembering the great love I felt for him.


As in before.

Not anymore.

I didn't communicate with anyone in anyway. Prod and Sahana skyped me, but I didn't answer. I guessed it was going to be good news anyways. I was happy for them, but I wasn't in the mood to talk.

RayRay texted me a few times saying that he was sorry and stuff. He mentioned it had to do with some girl. Sapphire, I think her name was. He said something about her being his girlfriend, or maybe I read it wrong...

Princeton tried to get to me the most. He called and texted literally every five minutes, or more.

I was stubborn, though. I wouldn't answer to ANYONE.

Surprisingly, Roc didn't do anything. That broke my heart even more. All those "I Love You's" must've really been bullshit if he doesn't even care enough to try and get me back, but Princeton, Prod, Sahana, and Ray care enough to at least check up on me.

Stupid Bitch.

And to think I ever fell in love with him.

"I don't give a shit anymore" I told myself, "he can go fuck that Saph chick, for all I care."  I shoved my head in my pillow, and bawled my eyes out somemore.

I reached for my ice cream that was sitting on my coffee table. I had gotten one of the maids to sneak it up to me the previous night. My face was puffy and my eyes were very red. I could taste the salty tears on my lips.

I shoved a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and quickly brought my hand to my head.


It definetly didn't help that pounding headache I had.

I put my ice cream down, when a knock came on the door and startled me.

Me: LEAVE!!!

My voice was scratchy and I sounded sick.

I might as well have been. I felt terrible.

???: Lexi, please let me in!

I'd recognize that accent anywhere.

Me: What do you want, Prince?

I saw the doorknob wiggled and suddenly opened. I narrowed my eyes at Prince as he walked in.

Prince: To talk to you.

Me: Well that's too bad, because I don't wanna talk. Now, get out!

Prince: No, your my best friend and i'm not gonna leave until you tell me what's wrong.

I turned my body to face the wall, so I wouldn't have to look at Princeton. I covered my head with my blanket and inhaled the fresh laundry smell." What soap are they using now? It smells amazing!" I thought trying to distract from thoughts of being sad.

All of a sudden, I feel pressure on my stomach.

Me: OW!

I lift off the blanket to see Princeton sitting there.

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