Chapter One-Lies

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A cold chill runs through the forest faster than me. Shivering I wrap my tail around my waist. I pull my coat closer on me as I walk on. The pure white snow crunches under my feet as I go on. The lights of town can be seen, making me pull up my hood to hide my ears.

The place was very quiet seeing that it's night. Very few people could be seen walking around. I cross my arms as I continue to walk into the town. Street lights flickered on and off as the wind picked up a bit.

One sign stood out seeing as it was flickering on and off like the street lights. The sign read 'Hotel'.

"Perfect" I whisper to myself walking to the front room.

The room was very warm compared to the outside that was covered in snow. A man sat at the front. His eyes were glued to the newspaper that sat in front of him. His curly brown hair hung down and stopped just above his eyes. They appeared to be a light brown color. The light of the lamp in the far corner of the room reflected off of his eyes.

He glanced up to me hearing the door close.

"Ah hello there I'm guessing you need a room." He said giving a warm smile.

If you could call it warm. There was something in his eyes that put the whole smile off. I played along and smiled nodding.

"Great I'm James." He got up, picking up a book with him.

"Oh uh Jamie. Yeah. Nice to meet you." 'Like I'd tell you my real name'

He put the book on the table next to me, opening it. A list of names and dates were on the page.

"Well Jamie just sign the book with your full name, the time, and date." He said going back to his seat.

Quietly I picked up the pen to the side and wrote.

'Jamie. E. Light

11:36 Pm


I picked up the book and handed it to him. He gave a toothy smile. You could see the missing front tooth and the yellow tint on his teeth.

"That'll be 20 dollars"

I handed him the money and he took it.

"Here you are sweetheart enjoy your stay."

He handed me the pair of keys from behind him. On the tag read 'Room 205'.

Thanking him I left the room. The cold air hit me making me regret leaving the room. Quickly I made my way to the room.

"Well here we are." I mutter unlocking the door and opening the door.

The room was way warmer than the outside. I walk in, closing the door behind me, and turn the light on.

The walls of the room were peach colored. The bed was a bright red along with the chairs. It looked nice enough to stay here but I can't do that.

Taking my bag off of my back I set it on the table by the door. The whole building seemed to be silent. Not a sound could be heard. 'What is it with these people?' Then again it's 11:40 at night so I'd be surprised if there was anyone up and making noise at this time.

I turn the light off after, laying back on the bed I turned on the tv. The bed had a distinct smell of perfume and fabric softener. The tv was on low and the guy was talking about the normal things about the deal with monsters. Humans could be arrested and or killed if they're found or suspected of helping a monster.

Shaking my head, I let out a sigh thinking about the current events. Slowly, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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