Chapter Thirty One- He said something

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The moment Alphys said I was okay to go into fighting Undyne wasted no time dragging me out of my room. Despite my protests she brought me out.

She stood in the training room, made for combat, spear in hand. 

"Time to finish what we started." Undyne said, as I took off my jacket, setting it on the bench with Kat.

I look to her, my eye lighting up as my magic starts. Kat looked eager to see us fight, while Caleb sat next to her, watching to see what we could.

We circled each other, me now humming a song, and her growling under her breath.

She charged forward, and I slid to the side. This is pointless. I'm not gonna hurt her.

She stood up again and started throwing spears. Spear after spear came flying my way, from every direction.

Taking in a breath I point my right hand to the ground before bringing it up to block the spear in front of me. 

Undyne seemed surprised as every move I made deflected the spears. Every spear that came was deflected. 

The yellow and purple handled sword sat in my hand. The blade part was glowing with a violet fire.

Finally I made my move, and charged forward to Undyne. Her spear and my sword hit with a clang. 

Our faces were mere inches from each other. Determination flared in her eyes.

The door opened, grabbing our attention was Papyrus, who came running in.

"UNDYNE! ALPHYS NEEDS YOU!" He said grabbing Undyne and pulling her away from the fight.

"Well, I think that's the farthest we've gotten in a fight so far." I say with a chuckle. 

My sword disappears in my hand. The door was left wide open from Papyrus dragging Undyne from the fight.

"Well, I'm gonna go get something to eat. Maybe Undyne should just give up on trying to fight. It's not gonna happen." I say walking out.

Papyrus and Undyne's voices could be heard down the hall. Ignoring the yelling of furry from Undyne I walk into the cafeteria.

 Toriel stood in the kitchen, cooking away.

"Hey Tori. What's up?" I ask, leaning against the door frame. 

She looks over and smiles. "Oh Luna! So good to see you up and around." She said.

"Good to be up and around." I say taking an apple from the counter, and taking a bite.

The sound of boots filled the room, making us look to see G walk in.

"Oh hello Sans." Toriel greets as he stands next to me in the door way.

"Hey Tori." He says before looking to me. "I need to talk to you about something, Dove" He said taking my hand in his.

I nod before waving to Toriel. 

A pleasant silence fell between the two of us as we walked. A small smile played on my lips as we got to our room. His thumb ran across my knuckles as he opened the door.

"So what's up?" I ask letting go of his hand and sitting on the bed, taking off my jacket.

He goes quiet, looking at my left arm as I take the brace from my right. The large cut on my right that ran up my arm was scabbed over and we had to keep it bandaged under the brace.

He walked over and sat next to me, taking my left arm in his hands and lightly traced the scars on my arm with his bony finger. 

A shiver runs up my sine. 

'Or rather a sin climbs up my spine, reminding me of this situation in another Timeline. Reminding me of when I did every one of these cuts. 

Even the ones that weren't from me have memories. G always seemed to care no matter what Timeline we were in. Rather he was mean or his short, punny, self he always cared.

I was always in this spot, sitting on a bed and him tracing my scars.'

I looked up to him, only to see him looking at my other arm. With one hand he undid the rest of the bandage and his gaze went to the long cut that ran along my arm and the small cuts that covered my arm and wrist. 

"Gaster said something about this the other day." He finally spoke, not looking away from my right arm. 

"He did?" I ask, shivering as his finger ran along the long cut on my right arm. 

Light black and blue bruises laid on my right wrist, where the the cut had ended. 

"Yeah he did. He told me about the scars. Knowing you wouldn't show me on your own. What happened to you Dove?" He asked, looking up at me.

I locked eyes with him and sighed. "A lot. Where do I start?" 

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