five random facts

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I'm super bored and tired so here's five facts none of you knew

1. I know American and French sign language. My uncle is deaf and French, so I talk to him switching between American sign language and French sign language and it's actually really, really fun.

2. I have an unhealthy obsession with junk food everything. It's a problem and I know that but for fuck's sake, I live for chips, soda and pizza, okay.

3. I really like the violin. My friend back in Canada could play it really well, so we'd have little band together moments where he'd play the violin while I sang Hannah Montana songs and played his older brother's drumset.

4. I can play the drums. XD It's the only instrument I can play though. Well... Technically. My dad was a music geek so we had a piano in our house in Phoenix. I can play a few songs thanks to him, but eh.

5. My dad is dead. Yes, I saved this for last. He died in a monster attack, trying to save me. This was about a year ago, when I first got started as a demigod. I still cry about it, to be honest, because I really miss him.  But I know he's proud of me... After all, those were his last words...

I just got really emotional right now.

Tbh, I sometimes feel like I'm not worth being proud of because I basically am the reason my dad is dead, but then I remember everything eight I have done, and all the friends I now have, and it's worth it again.

Wow, that was deep.

anyway, that's five facts about me.

See you all later.


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