the gay song

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this is what happens when you get so damn bored

that you write a song

about being gay

and tbh its gonna be horrible

i apologize in advance

in result of my boredom and ADHD, i give you The Gay Song (I'm A Homosexual)

jorge... im sorry.

jesus take the fucking wheel

I guess you could say that I'm something else

I don't feel any attraction to females

And I'm still a guy, this I know

But dating girls isn't how I roll

I'll admit, it's kinda scary

And it's something that makes me pretty wary of

What other people think of me and what

It is that they all see

In me

And I don't even know why I really care

Cause it isn't fair that

They're all up in my hair

About who it is I like

Take a hike, man, leave me alone

Yeah, I like a guy and he makes me feel so

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