well here's that oneshot thingy i promised

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It's just a game, right?

None of it can be real.

How can it be real in the first place?

Then again, what is real?

"Just press the button."

"I'm not pressing the button."

"Press it, damn it."

"No, damn it."

Arthur scowled at his friend, arms crossed in frustration. "It would make our lives so much easier if you just pressed the button."

Darius shook his head. "Nope."

"And why not?"

"Because I don't have a death wish." Darius smiled, shrugging.

Arthur sighed, exasperated. "You should've mentioned that when we signed up for this."

"You mean when you signed up for this and added my name to the application?" Darius asked.

"I will press the button,"

"Do not press the button."

"We need our gear anyway." Arthur said. "Just press the button before I throw you into it."

"Don't touch me or the button." Darius ordered.

Arthur glanced between Darius and the button and pressed the button.

"Dude, no!" Darius hid behind Arthur.

Arthur rolled his eyes, walking into the room.

"Welcome to the training room," the computerized woman from the lobby said. "Here you will prepare yourselves for the great battle ahead with the infinite sources of weapons and armor we have for you to practice with."

Arthur looked around, impressed. "Sweet."

"This is insane," Darius scurried in after him. "We could've just left this place."

"No we couldn't have, actually." Arthur said, running his fingers along the racks of shields. "They don't let you."

"So we're trapped here?" Darius demanded.

"I wouldn't say it's a trap." Arthur picked up a sword. "Cool. I'd say it's pretty nice."

"Well, I'm glad that you're having fun," Darius said. "But I did not want to go to military school this lifetime, thanks."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "You're being dramatic."

"I just don't want a mission from this place," Darius admitted. "They're very extreme, and not only am I nervous because I personally don't like fighting in wars like they do, but also because of classical fear."

"Well, I didn't want to leave my best friend behind." Arthur glanced at Darius. "I should've asked you. I'm sorry. But I'm probably going to be here for the rest of my life and it would be rather boring without you by his side."

Darius blushed. "Well, I appreciate the apology and I understand that you didn't want to be lonely. But can you please send a heads up next time?"

Arthur nodded. "Yeah, I will. Again, sorry."

"Apology accepted." Darius glanced around the room. "It is pretty wonderful, isn't it?"

Arthur smiled. "Yeah, it is."

"Well," Darius picked up a sword and hefted it. "We should probably make due with all of this."

"I thought you didn't like fighting."

Darius sighed. "I don't, but I won't live very long if I don't fight around here."

"True," Arthur agreed. "So, sparring it is then?"

Darius shrugged. "Might as well."

Lmao that was shitty and made no sense

Also, this is Charlie not admin.

Anyway I hate myself bye.

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