who tf tagged me

11 3 3

idek when, where, or who this was

All I know I got tagged for a fifteen fact tag



Alright fine

Just know I tag Chaz (jazzy-chazzy), Balder, Jorge, and Thad (-chxrxcters_), and Bryn (itsyagaybastard)

lmao ily guys

Also I'm doing this in bold

And Charlie is doing this, not Evan. Which means the characters I tagged have to do the same smh.

1. I really, really, really love Cheetos.

2. I actually know how to drive.

3. I'm pretty much flunking school.

4. I'm the gayest person in my community in Canada. I'm not kidding, my school principal actually had a contest to see who was the gayest kid in that community. I won a medal it was so fucking funny. People were laughing at my bragging for days.

5. I have autism, PTSD, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, clinical depression, ADHD and dyslexia. I don't like my life that much.

6. I literally love Overwatch so fucking much.

7. I like watching Dragonball Super. It's the only anime I give enough fucks to watch. I'm not a weeb, Balder.

8. Chaz is my fucking twin y'all can take your genetic shit and actually kiss my ass

9. I really love musicals. Hamilton and Heather's to name a few.

10. Hamilton is the only reason why I have an A in history. All my other grades are probably below a C- except English and Art tbh. And french, obviously.

11. I low-key like listening to Five Nights At Freddy's songs.

12. I will one day be the world's best race car driver.

13. My cabin is low-key full of bullies js.

14. I aspire to be taller than my boyfriend. thREE MORE FUCKING INCHES IS IT SO HARD.

And 15. I'm​ fucking gay.

fifty shades of gay.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang