admin: horrible news

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But I don't wanna leave!

Admin: you think I do? There's nothing I can do, Charlie.

What about Jorge? ;-;

Admin: I dunno, dude.

Just tell them. I need a minute.

Admin: -sigh-

Hi again. It's Evan.

And I have some shit news.

My mom caught me online during the week. And she told my dad.

Guys, I'm done.

I basically literally can't come online anymore and the times that I can sneak on, barely anyone is online.

Even weekends, I can't get on.

I'm basically banned from devices.

And I swear it's for good.

I'm not okay with saying what's going to happen if I'm caught online.

But basically, I'm gonna be online only in the mornings and if my dad takes a day off work, you won't see me at all.

I can't even use the fucking tv.

I'm gonna be silent for the day of silence, but now I have a new reason. I don't want to fucking talk to anyone.

The only escape from my thoughts, the only way to be my-fucking-self.


To be fucking honest, I might as well say goodbye now in case I commit fucking suicide.

Why fucking live if you're confined to be something you're not? Something you're straight up forced to do.

For being a fucking mistake.

Fuck hotlines, I won't have a phone to call them. Sorry, Ruth.

And fuck telling my parents, I'm never telling them bullshit again. Sorry, Alex.

This is practically good-fucking-bye.

You're rarely gonna see me anymore.

I'm so fucking sorry for screwing everything up.

I'm the shittiest person alive.

My parents can't fucking understand what I have. No matter what.

I'm really sorry.

fierrochase, -somerandomdemigod, avifauna, spacefryy, itsfangirlcat, @dcuniverse-, Chilea, and everyone else.

I'm so fucking sorry.

As for Charlie and the rest, they're flippin' their shit.

Jesus fucking Christ. I'm starting to have a panic attack.

Me fucking too, buddy.

Well, I guess you're gonna see less of me. Which fucking sucks ass.

Like you.

Fuck off, I'm pissed at you.

I'm pissed at me too.

I don't know if we're coming back with the freedom of being online,

Me neither.

But Jorge, I love you. And I hope I can come back. I'm probably gonna go back to Canada later on in May. I dunno.

There are a lot of ways I can fuck this up. I'm probably gonna do everything because I'm a dumbfuck.

I seriously might never be able to get on freely again.

So I'm sorry.

Sorry for letting you down.

Sorry for being an idiot.

Me fucking too.

Well, until our unlikely freedom, me and all my children say,


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