His choice!

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Psalms 47:1-9

This Psalm is, perhaps, the most regal Psalm of all. It begins with a shout of Praise led by the sons of Korah. David probably would have been at the head of the people but he was not the author of this Psalm. Psalms 47 is composed with three specific points: the praise or shout of jubilations at the coming King, (verses. 1-4); the shout of celebration over the enthroned King, (verses 5-7; and the call to achievement in Rulership of the King, (verses 8&9).

Psalms 47:1 starts with admonition of praise to the coming King,-(TLB)-"Come everyone, and clap for joy! Shout triumphant praises to the Lord." (TEV)-"...Praise God with loud songs." (CEB)-"Shout joyfully to God with a joyous shout." Psalms 93:2 reminds us that His "throne established from of old;" and He is "from everlasting." A never-ending rulership. This is important to us as it is still effective in our day and age. (NKJV)- " Oh clap your hands all you people." Some commentaries suggest this refers to the people of God. Psalms 147:1-"The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy." We as believers are hoping for His mercy so we are included. This makes sense, as who else would be praising God and recognizing His authority then the ones who believe in Him by faith. "Our King is coming!" He Reigns!

(TEV)-"For the Lord, the God above all gods is awesome." He is ruling over all the world. This is the theme of all of Psalm 47. (CEB)-...He is the Great King of the whole world." Nehemiah 1:5-(NKJV)-"I pray, Lord God of heaven, Oh Great and awesome God, You who keeps Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe your commandments." (Fear, respect and wonder are all tied up in the word "awesome". He is beyond human comprehension but loves us as His children.) (Read Psalms 67 and 117.)

Psalms 47:3 explains the reasoning for the awe and respect. He sets Us up as the power over nations who do not serve God nor respect His power as King. (NKJV)-"He will subdue the people under us, And the nations under our feet." (Read Psalms 2; 110:1&2; 1Corinthians 15:24-28). This is how He shows himself Absolute in Power and Righteousness. Psalms 47:4-(KJV)-"He shall choose our inheritance for us ..." (TEV)-"The proud possession of His people, whom He loves." Love is His motive! Not that we deserve it, but because He is a loving, merciful God. "HE LOVES!" John 3:16-(NKJV)-"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe that in Him shall have eternal life." He sent His Son into the world not for condemnation but that all through Him might be saved. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved." All this from a Loving God!

Next we see this Great God in action taking His Royal Position-(CEB)-"God has gone up with a joyous shout-The Lord with the blast of the ram's horn." Psalms 68:24-(NKJV)-"They have seen Your procession, O God, the procession of my God, my King into the sanctuary, " The sons of Korah proclaimed the natural reaction of the people in Psalms 47:6&7; but David also emphasizes the same reaction in Psalms 68:25-(TLB)-"The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after; among them were damsels playing with timbrels." Isaiah spoke of a heavenly celebration event in a prophetic account, (NKJV)-"In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one cried to another and said, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory!" (Read on in Psalms 68:15-18 and see what occurred.) He is THE SOVEREIGN GOD!

Now let's consider the two-fold message in verse 8 of this Psalm. (NKJV)-1."God reigns over the nations;" 2. "God sits on His Holy throne,". First of all, God is an active God not just a Royal figure. He reigns with a hands-on method; not just a pompous wave of his hand as he passes. Today we see Royalty or Religious Leaders passing by in this manner. His position sitting on His throne is a symbol of His authority not a lazy reclining position. 1Chronicles 16:31-(NKJV-"Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be glad; And let them say among the nations, THE LORD REIGNS! ". Psalms 97:2b-(NKJV)-"Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of His throne." Psalms 48:1-(TEV)-"The Lord is great, and must be highly praised." He is SOVEREIGN GOD!

Verse 9 of Psalms 47 climaxes the unification of God's people. (NKJV)-"The leaders of all people are gathered with the people of Abraham's God because the earth's guardians belong to God;". (Read Genesis 12:1-3 and note the part in 3c, "Those of faith are the sons of Abraham...so then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham." (NKJV)-"For the shields of the earth belong to God;" (Read Romans 4:11; Psalms 89:18; and Revelation 20.).

I will end this last part of verse 9 . (NKJV)&(KJV)-"He is greatly exalted."; (TEV)-"He rules over all." ; (CEB)-"God is exalted above all."; (TLB)-"He is highly honored everywhere." All of these result in the PRAISES TO OUR SOVEREIGN GOD ! HE REIGNS! OUR GOD REIGNS!


Next time...

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