New Moon!

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Psalm 81:1-16

          Asaph again incites praise to the Almighty God. Psalm 81 is almost a parallel of the covenant found in Joshua 24 which begins with the Egyptian release of Israelites and includes the praise God deserves. (NKJV)-"Sing aloud to God our strength. Make a joyful shout to the God of Jacob."

(Read Psalm 8 for the agreement of celebration methods.;Psalm 149:1-9; 150:1-6; 33:1-3; 35:27&28; 66:1-4; 95:1&2; and 100:1&2.).

In Psalm 81:1, Asaph went on to show the proper way to praise God-(NKJV)-"Raise a song and strike the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the lute. Blow the trumpet..." (TEV)-"Start the music and play the tambourines; play pleasant music on the harps and the lyres. Blow the horn..." (TLB)-"Sing, accompanied by drums; pluck the sweet lyre and harp. Sound the trumpet." He is suggesting we use both our voice and instruments to praise God. In other words , " Pull out all the stops and raise the praise to a high level. HE IS THE SOVEREIGN GOD!

The reason for the celebration is part of the New Moon festival combined with the Feast of Trumpets. (1 Chronicles 23:31; and Numbers 29:1-6). This was " Commanded by God." (TLB)-"For God has given us these times of joy; they are scheduled in the laws of Israel." (CEB)-"Because this is the law for Israel; this is rule of Jacob's God." And because "He made it a decree for Joseph when he went out against the land of Egypt, where I heard a language" foreign to Israel." Many have questioned this verse and misinterpreted it as "God does not like foreign languages." This is not what God meant. He was the author of all languages at the Tower of Babel. This is a nationality problem, not God's. It matters not what language you speak as far as God is concerned! What He was dealing with here was the influence Egypt had left on God's people. The language which reflected worship to any other gods beside the one true God was dangerous.

Influences in this world may make Christians accept practices and language we should not use as Christians. Does it glorify God or is this words we tend to use carelessly as Christians by acceptance. God suggests that they were beginning to sound like the people of the world which He had delivered them from. Think before you speak. God hears and cares! 1Corinthians15:33-"Be not deceived: evil company corrupts good habits."

The New Moon Festival had a three-fold purpose. It was established by God and was a "statute for Israel, a law of the God of Jacob.," and a "testimony when He went throughout the land of Egypt."

God goes on to affirm five things He has done for them: (CEB)

1. "I lifted the burden off your shoulders,"

A. This is verified in Exodus 1:11&12.

2. "Your hands are free of the brick basket!"

A. Exodus 1:13

3. "In distress you cried out, so I rescued you."

A. Exodus 20:1; 2:23

4. "I answered you in the secret of thunder."

A. Exodus 20:18; 19:19

5. "I tested you at the waters of Maribah."

A. Exodus 20:20; 17:6&7

(Read Exodus 14:10) He was faithful in all He did!

Then God sets down a law they must never fail. (TLB)-"Listen to me, O my people, while I give you stern warnings. O Israel, if you will only listen." A plea no Christian can refuse! He went on and still goes on to say, "You must never worship any other God, nor ever have an idol in your home." Literally this reads, "There shall no foreign god be in you." (Psalm 50:7-"Hear, O my people, and I will speak, O Israel, and I will testify against you; I am God, Your God!" God's heart's cry is for us to return His great love by listening to His Heavenly Advice! He expresses His desire in the next four verses. (TEV)-"How I wish My people would listen to me; How I wish they would obey Me!" I would:

1. "Quickly defeat your enemies"

2. "Conquer all their foes,"

3. (CEB)-" Those who hate the Lord would grovel before me,"

4. "Their doom would last forever!"

Romans 1:28-32-(NKJV)-verifies this fate.

He confirms His blessing on the faithful! "But I would feed you with the finest wheat,"

He further promises! (TLB)-"Choicest foods" and (NKJV)-"With honey from the rock I would have satisfied you." (read Deuteronomy 32:12-14)

On my wall is a paper poster which reads as follows:

The Audet Family

...Choose you this day whom you will serve;

...but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Joshua 24:15

That's my choice! How about yours?

Next time...

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