Crowning Glory!

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Psalm 65:1-13

          Here we are! The last chapter of my SOVEREIGN GOD series. The theme of this chapter is reflected in my title, "Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness."-Psalm 65:11-(KJV).

2016 has been a year of tremendous problematic events for me: a trip to ER by ambulance for a diverticulitis attack with colon infection; Hurricane Matthew with no electricity and loss of all my food in the freezer and refrigerator; and, my Chihuahua dog, Lady, had heart attacks caused by heart congestion which ended with two vet visits to get her back on her feet. These are only some of the traumatic events which occurred. But there is a God who is in control and I resign my life to Him to be my all in all. He is in control and I give Him full right to it.

This chapter is divided into five sections: A vow of praise for a future prophetic event, verses 1-3; The blessing of God on redeemed, verse 4; God's power through the earth, verses5-8; The blessing of God's rain on earth, verses 9-10; and, God's promise of coming blessings for the year, verses11-13.

Let's consider the prophetic verses from the TLB version as it is very expressive. David had his moments of shouts and emotional outbursts but he also knew when to wait silently as we saw in our last study. Psalm 65:1-3-"O God in Zion, we wait before You in silent praise, and thus fulfill our vow. And because You answer prayer, all mankind will come to You with their requests. Though sin fill our hearts, You forgive them all." What a powerful message! While we are waiting quietly with our problems we already have His assurance that if we call on Him, He will answer. If we have sinned, He will forgive us. You see, God doesn't just sit as a Judge on earth to condemn or execute punishment; but, He is a caring Judge who listens to our cries for help or our plea for mercy. Yes, He will forgive the sincere request we bring before Him. He, the SOVEREIGN GOD is also a personal loving Father to us! This combination is beyond our comprehension; but, He is worthy of silent praise! (Read Genesis 3:17; Romans 8:22-23; 14:10-11; Revelations 19:5; Isaiah 66:23; Ephesians 1:7; and Hebrews 9:14.).

Now we know we have something to celebrate! We have accepted the invitation to come to God. Verse 4 says, (TEV)-"Happy are those whom You choose, whom You bring to live in Your sanctuary! We shall be satisfied with the good things of Your House, the blessings of Your Sacred Temple!" What glory awaits us is even greater than the Blessings He gives us now! We are chosen people. Chosen by our SOVEREIGN GOD. (Read further on these blessings in Psalm 33:12-(NKJV)-"...HE has chosen ..." and Psalm 4:3 HE "will hear when you call to Him,; 36:8; and, 27:4-5 assures us of these blessings.).

God is the Great Power throughout the whole earth even now. (Verses 5-8-CEB) verifies:

1. "In righteousness You answer us,"

2. "Your awesome deeds,...God is our Savior-"

3. "Security of all the far edges of the earth,"

4. "Establish the mountains by Your strength;" (Psalm 93:1)

5. "You are dressed in raw power."

6. "You calm the roaring seas;"

7. "You calm the roaring waves;" (Matthew 8:26; Psalm 93:3-4)

8. "Calms the noise of nations," (Isaiah17:12-13)

Because of this even the people on the distant areas "stand in awe of Your acts."

9. "You make the gateway of the morning and evening sing for joy." (sunrises and sunsets so gorgeous, but they are not possible for man to create.)

Let's consider the meaning of the word "sovereign." Webster says it means-Supreme power; free and independent; exalted; very potent; excellent (excelling all others). Wow! That is the SOVEREIGN GOD, we call Abba Father!

As if this isn't enough verses 9-10 reminds us how we celebrate because of the rain He pours out to make our earth produce more abundantly.

(NKJV)-"You visit the earth and water it, (Jeremiah 5:24)

You greatly enrich it,

The river of God is full of water; (Psalm 46:4-5)

You provide their grain so You have prepared it,

You water its ridges abundantly, (Psalm 147:8)

You settle it's furrows;

You make it soft with showers,

You bless its growth." (Psalm 104:13; Deuteronomy 28:12)

Every time it rains there is a value to the earth! Proof that God keeps His promises. If you have ever grown crops for family or market, you know the value of the rain to make the crops grow. Yes, it breaks up the ridges, settles the furrows, softens the ground and promotes the process of plant growth. God knows what He is doing! He is SOVEREIGN GOD!

Verses 11-13 in (TLB) shows the purpose in all God does by enhancing the event, "Then He crowns it all with green lush pastures in the wilderness;" (Does it seem like your life is in a wilderness experience? Remember the God whom you can call on, will pour out His blessings and the emptiness will be lush and green because He has crowned it with His glory.). The Psalmist goes on to say, "Hillsides blossom with Joy. The pastures are filled with flocks of sheep, and the valleys are carpeted with grain." This is God's promise for the years to come! Psalm 67:6-(NKJV)-"Then the earth shall yield her increase ; God, our own God, shall bless us." Here He is again, "THE SOVEREIGN GOD AND HE IS OURS! The results, "All the world shall shout for Joy, and sing." (Isaiah 44:23-"Sing...Shout...;". 55:12-"Joy...Peace...Singing...Clap your hands". What Joy we can have both now and forevermore because, HE IS OUR SOVEREIGN GOD! NOW AND FOREVER, AMEN!

See you in my next book...

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