Waiting is Working, Also!

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Psalm 62:1-12

Psalm 62 was written by David expressing his devotion to God and unwavering trust in Him. David met up with many problems but he never failed to trust in God. My title, Waiting is Working, Also, reminds us that waiting requires silent confidence in God while we go about our daily tasks which life requires.

Jeduthun was a music director in Israel. This Psalm of David was written for the director's use in the temple worship. (Read 1 Corinthians 9:16; 16:41; 16:42; Psalm 39:77.). The timing for this Psalm is assumed to be while Saul was pursuing David according to 1 Samuel 22-24.

The pattern of this Psalm is in five segments: Pursuing God's presence in a renewed sense, verses 1-2; Confessing personal faith in God, verses 3-5; stating confidence in God during lonely nighttimes, verses 6-8; predicting the end of David's enemies, verses 9-10; and, Confession of renewed trust in God as the Great King, verses11-12.

I love the way David affirms his confidence in God. He begins Psalm 62 with, (NKJV)-"Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my Salvation." AMEN! (Psalm 42:2a-"My soul thirsts for God, for the living God..." Then David says, "He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved." (Read Psalm 27:4). The theme of Psalm 62:1-2 is clear: God has provided a means of Salvation for us; He has provided the stability as the Rock; and, He will defend us against the enemy. This results in the immovability of our lives by the enemy of our soul. Nothing can tear me away from my Savior, my Rock, and my Defender. I am able to stand solid and not be moved by all the forces of men or hell. Verse 6 also bears out the same thought, "He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense. I shall not be moved." David is sure of his place in God as God never fails! (Read Psalms 55:22; 59:9, 16, &17.)

David puts out a question of challenge to his enemies in verses 3-4-(TEV)-"How much longer will all of you attack a man to defeat him, like a falling wall, like a broken-down fence? You only want to bring him down from his place of honor; you take pleasure in lies. You speak words of blessing but in your heart you curse him." (Read Psalm 138:1; and Isaiah 30:13, which turns the abuse back on the abuser; as does Isaiah 29:5). David makes his question a shout or threat to the enemies for he knows the outcome of their wickedness.

And where is David after all this heated outburst? He is as he says, (TLB)-"But I stand silently before the Lord waiting for Him to rescue me. For Salvation comes from Him alone. Yes, He alone is my Rock, my Rescuer, Defense, and Fortress-why then should I be tense with fear when troubles come? My Protection and Success come from God alone. He is my Refuge, a Rock where no enemy can reach me." Here David lists seven benefits of God, his Father. (The word Salvation here is interpreted as "my hope" and "expectations " by two other translators.) All of this is David's profound statement of personal confidence in God. (Read Psalm 42:8 which proclaims in (NKJV)-"The Lord will command His loving kindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me-A prayer to the God of my life."). It always amazes me how David never stopped singing God's praise! From his youth he knew if God could help him kill a bear and a Lion who threatened his sheep, God could help him slay a giant who opposed the sheep of Israel. Nothing changed as he became the anointed King of Israel. He still knew God cared for His sheep, and protected where "no enemy " could "reach " him.

So- We could all benefit from giving the next verse 8 our attention. I admonish you as David did his people, (CEB)-"All you people: Trust in Him at all times! Pour out your hearts before Him! God is our Refuge!" He is our SOVEREIGN GOD! (Read Psalm 40:3-4). How excited I get when I read these verses! If you have never done it, say theses verses I have written in black letters out loud to God! ---Louder! He is our SOVEREIGN GOD. HE IS MY REFUGE!

Though we are minute in the eyes of the world and are a (TEV)-" puff of breath...worthless..." weighing "nothing...lighter than mere breath"; yet, God has great plans for you when you come to Him for Salvation. So "Don't put your trust in violence; don't hope to gain anything by robbery; even if your riches increase don't depend on them." (Read Luke 10:15-16; Isaiah 40:17; Luke 12:15-where Jesus says, ..." one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.") Think about it!

The last two verses are important in Psalm 62, for they are the final statement of the results of trust in God. God's Justice is trustworthy. (NCV)-"God has said this and I have heard it over and over". (NKJV)-"Once, twice I have heard this:". You see, God is long suffering and His mercy extends beyond human comprehension. He gives fair warning; but, He also establishes Justice. "God is strong . The Lord is loving, You reward people for what they have done." (Read Proverbs30:11-33. Note the things done by people which God observes and judges. God's love is loyal to His followers and as sure to the wicked.). Matthew 16:27 reminds us, (NKJV)-"For the Son of Man will come in the Glory of His Father with His angels and then He will reward each according to his work." (Read Ecclesiastes 12:13-14-God judges "whether good or evil.") But there is a chance of rejoicing if your "heart shall rejoice in God's Salvation."

We have considered verse one- "silently wait for God;"; verse five-"wait silently for God alone,". Waiting is Working, Also, but we are told to "wait" and "not be moved" because our God is 1. OUR ROCK, 2. OUR RESCUER, 3. OUR DEFENSE, 4. OUR FORTRESS, 5. OUR PROTECTION, 6. OUR SUCCESS, and 7. OUR REFUGE! This is why we cling to Him for He is all we need but we must wait on Him!

"Amplexus Expecta" which means "Cling and Wait (Hope)". This is where we stand for He is our only Hope. " God is loving,...kind, and a rewarder of those who "work...for Him."

"Amplexus Expecta" is my motto! Make it yours also!

Next time...

Psalms In My Palms - Book 2 -SOVEREIGNTYजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें