Lambs Skipping

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Psalm 114:1-8

          We covered several Psalms in the last study but we will slow down to one this time. The truth of this Psalm stands out in a special way. It not only relates Israel's deliverance from Egypt but also carries the poetic balance of the first song of deliverance in Exodus 15 led by Moses and Miriam. This poem is recited in unison by the Jewish people along with Psalms 113-114, 136; then Psalms 115-118 are read aloud at the Passover Celebration Dinner. (Why don't you read them now to see the significance to the Israelite nation.).

There are three facets of this Psalm we will consider: the celebration of Israel's deliverance from Egypt, verses 1-2; the nature of Israel's enemy, verses 3-6; and a celebration of the God who set Israel free.

The first word in verse 1is "When" which means " the time of an event or at the moment this happened". (NKJV)-Exodus 12:51 says, "And it came to pass ON THAT VERY SAME DAY, that the Lord brought the children of Israel out of Egypt according to their armies." This "When"is God's appointed time for His grace to be extended to the needs of His people. Again in Exodus 13:3-"Moses said to the people, 'Remember THIS DAY in which you went out of Egypt..." So David remembers this day in celebration as His ancestors experienced.

When Israel left Egypt they attempted to shed all the things not ordained of God. This involved the language as well used by the people of this foreign land. (Have you adopted words into your vocabulary which are not reflective of God. How easily we adopt the words of the world or the three letter abbreviation which uses God's Name in vain! Think about it,). They were still the "House of Jacob". And knew they must live live up to this title because God is not only their Sanctuary but has made Israel His abode or dominion. (Read Psalm 81:5). He made Judah His Sanctuary! Israel became His Territory, The land He ruled!

I feel a song coming on so I will share it with you-

"God prepare me to be a sanctuary, Pure and Holy, Tried and True, with thanksgiving I'll be a living Sanctuary for You!" (AMPC)- (God's ) sanctuary ( the Holy Place of His Habitation). Now we are the sanctuary of His presence. His Holy Spirit dwells within us.

Judah is important to God. exodus 6:7 explains this, For God says, (NKJV)-"I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians."; Exodus 19:6a-"And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation..."; 25:8-"And let them make Me a Sanctuary, that I may dwell among them."; 29:45-46a-"I will dwell among the children of Israel and will be their God, And they shall know that I am the Lord their God..."; Deuteronomy 27:9b-"...Take heed and listen, O Israel: This day you have become the people of the Lord your God." (perhaps we should realize the position God has placed us in when He makes us His Sanctuary! We are His Dwelling Place!all who see us should see God in us. We reflect His image and are possessed by His Spirit! How magnificent and how humbling this is for us!). Read 2 Corinthians 6:16-18-"...come out from among them..."

ALL OF NATURE REACTS TO THE PRESENCE OF GOD! The sea is mentioned first. (Exodus 14:21-"The sea saw it and fled." "Moses stretched out his hand and the Lord caused the sea to go back..." Here are instances where the Red Sea fled at God's command, Moses was the servant who raised his hand but please note it was God who caused the action. (CEB)-"The sea saw it and ran away..."; (Psalm 77:16-NKJV-"The waters saw You, O God; the waters saw You, they were afraid; the depths also trembled".; (TLB)-"The Red Sea saw them coming and quickly broke apart before them."; (TEV)-"The sea of reeds looked and ran away..."

The Jordan River later responded to God's command. (Read Joshua 3:13-16; NKJV says "Jordan turned back."; CEB says, "Jordan River retreated."; TEV says, "The Jordan River stopped flowing!"; TLB says, "The Jordan River opened up a path for them to cross."

Not surprising that everything God created still has to obey His command! Who did you think would dictate to His creation? The Person who planned and orchestrated everything surely has control of their actions! ( How about you? You are His creation, so of course, you are under His control also. He works in our behalf.).

This obedience not only occurred on the waters but on the mountains as well. Verse four

Says, "They skipped like Rams and the little hills like lambs." They appeared as frightened animals, (Read Exodus 19:18-"The whole mountain quaked greatly." When God "descended upon it..."; Judges 5:5; Psalm 29:6; Habakuk 3:10-"The mountains saw You and trembled..."). CJB uses the term " young sheep". My point is the control of God on His creation affects the young and old alike! TEV found it more meaningful to call the Rams by the word"goats". Perhaps the translator found the expression of skipping referred to gots and sheep and makes no distinction of age, as other translators did. CEB gets very dramatic and calls it "leaping away". I think we get the picture that is created for us! All nature responds to God's commands!

When the Psalmist renders the 5th and 6th verses of Psalm 114 as poetic questions which he sums up in verse seven following. (NKJV)-"What ails you, O sea that you fled...?"; (CEB)-"Jordan, why did you retreat...?; (TEV)-"Mountains , why did you skip like goats...?" ; (TLB)-"Why little hills like lambs...?" Good questions!

KJV sums it up for us very well-"TREMBLE, THOU EARTH, AT THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD, (echo) AT THE PRESENCE OF THE GOD OF JACOB; which turned the Rock into standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters." (That's it! The Presence of God makes a difference in nature! Has it changed your nature? I know I am misusing the word "nature" in my question but God does make a change in us as part of His creation.). The translation in ICB GIVES THE CREDIT WHERE IT BELONGS, "He Who..." made creation react!; (CJB) says "A fountain of water". Is a "flowing spring".; (ERV)-"caused water to flow" and, "spring of water to flow from that hard rock." (TLB)-"gushing streams to burst from flinty rock."

The more I read this in different versions, the more excited I become for, ALL T


I love Him for what He has done for me. Share my enthusiasm for He is mine and I am His forever!


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