No Rest For The Wicked

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Psalm 95:1-11

          Another Royal Psalm? Yes, but more than that! It not only acknowledges God as a Great King, King of all Kings but offers the closeness of this King to the people He governs. Not as a Judge over all, but as a Leader whose love for the people makes Him sacrifice His own Son to rescue us from Satan, sickness, dangers, and our own human natures.

Psalm 95 is divided into three forms of worship: Celebration-verses 1-5; Contemplation-verses 6&7; and, Obedience-verses 8-11. It begins with a call to worship. Yes, many Psalms do! (Note- Psalm100; 143; 144.) Verse 1 says (NKJV)-"O come, let us sing to the Lord!" The word "come" translates from the Hebrew "make haste". Don't linger or ponder on it, just DO IT!

Praise here is fit for the King of Kings!

This verse also allows for the worshipper to be quite verbal as it goes on to say, "Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our Salvation." There are many ways we may enter God's presence referred to in the Psalms besides Thanksgiving and noise. It depends on your needs. We may follow Psalm 45:15's example, (NKJV)-" With gladness and rejoicing they shall be brought; they shall enter the King's palace."; or you may use Psalm 51:11, by Repentance-"Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me."; or tears may be involved, as in Psalm 56:8&9-"You number my wandering so, Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book? When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know for God is for me." No matter how we come to Him, He will not turn us away. He cares and listens!Here we find loud rejoicing!

The Rock referred to is the Rock that followed the Israelites in the wilderness. The Rock of ages that is our stabilizer and the solidarity we need. This Rock is not moved by the winds of life, plus it provides nourishment from the spring within it against dry, arid situations. It provides stepping stones in the overflow of the streams, becoming our pathway to safety in the midst of flood waters. It is a fortress against the enemy and provides shade in the burning, intolerable heat of the sun. It is the "Rock of our salvation" no matter what evil is thrown at us. (Read James 5:13-16)

Psalm 95:2 opens the gate, "let us come before Your presence with Thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with Psalms." Psalms translates songs or melodies. What a beautiful way to approach our Heavenly Father!

Note the 3-letter word that verse three begins with-"FOR" as it gives our motive for worship-"Because". This verse begins with a prayer poetry, "For the Lord is a Great God, and the Great King above all gods." (Repetitive scriptures are found in Psalms 96:3; 18:1-3; 145:3.). Then the Psalmist explains the "For" clearly, (CEB)- "The earth's depths are in His hands; the mountain heights belong to Him; the sea, which He made is His. Along with the dry ground, which His own hands formed." This is only the beginning of the list of what His creative powers have accomplished, and He controls what He made!

In verses 6&7 the Hebrew meaning for "worship" literally is "to prostrate oneself", so The Psalmist begins to relate his experience with worship, "Come, kneel before the Lord, our Maker, for He is our God. We are the sheep and He is our Shepherd. Oh that you would hear Him calling you today and come to Him." (TEV)-"Listen today to what He says: Come (make haste) bow down (humble yourself) kneel ( submissive to His authority and power) and worship (prostrate yourself)." All are humbling approaches to God because He is our God-SOVEREIGN GOD.

The meditation of the Psalmist detailing God's acts in history as the King, the Shepherd, the Leader, and the Host are not a closed subject but an everyday occurance affecting you today! "Today" is an important word for it does not exist yet in tomorrow or ever again in yesterday. Tomorrow will always become today again at every sunrise. However there is coming a time when God will close the books on this earthly life and we must make our decision . (NKJV)-"Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, as in the days of trial in the wilderness." The Psalmist reminds us that " back there" is not the problem but God is a present God. Psalm 23:1-(NKJV)-" He is my Shepherd I shall not want..."

Now the Psalmist goes back to recall the problem of Israel's lack of listening to God's voice. He is still the same God today and we are prone to forget! (Read Exodus 17:2-7; Numbers 20:13; and Hebrews 3:7-11, 15 for a repetitious account of this event in Psalms 95:9-11). (NKJV-Hebrews 4:7-"Again He designated a certain day, saying in David, 'Today after such a long time as it has been said: 'Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts.' " the Psalmist lists the wrongs of Israel briefly as a lump sum when he calls it the "rebellion". (NKJV)-"As in the days of trial in the wilderness when your father's tested Me; (Wow, do we do this today?!) They tried Me, though they saw My work. For forty years I grieved with that generation,". (Have you put God to the test until He is weary of your complaining? Better turn it to praise and remember all He has done for you! Read Psalm 78:18-20; and Numbers14:22&23.).

"He said, it is a people who go astray in their hearts and they do not know My ways." Then comes God's final word to these Israelites who failed to see God's hand in spite of His miraculous leadership and protection, "I was angry and made a solemn promise, ' You will never enter the land where I would give you rest.' " THIS IS HIS FINAL WORD!

Could it get worse? "Today, if you will hear My voice..." There may not be a next time for you! But if there is none for me, it will not be because I did not heed His warning!

Next time...

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