Chapter Two

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Luke attached a red and white horse lead sort of thing around my neck, my 'pack' was getting hooked up to but they were growling at them. I huffed looking down at the ground, the thing around my neck slacking.

"Luke, cmon dude lets get this show on the road!" A 24 maybe year old fist pumped the air barly messing with the lead but on the other side of that was my brother, he flinched with his tail to the ground and tried to bolt like a scared pup. "Alright Felix, I wonder what the meetings about..." I tuned him out trotting close behind him. The other people were having trouble, the pack kept lunging out and choking themselves while flinging back in the process. We were going so slow! My shoulders hunched while my ears started flickering between up and down. This was so annoying! My muscles immeadeatly started to work, I could feel them move under my skin creating a gliding feeling as  I sped up. The new workers pointed at my body whispering to each other as I kept speeding up until I halted and ducked my head down shaking it making the lead fall off. 

Running like the devil was chasing me I followed the other wolf scents.I could tell Luke sighed behind me as I ran full speed. The path came to a slow as it went into the edge of the gaits. My eyes widened as I spun in a circle trying to stop, I braced myself and dug my nails into the dirt. I came to a hault as everyones eyes were on me. I held my tail up high at the wolves as Luke came in the same way I did exept he reached down for the ground coming to a hault without the spinning. "Harmony!" Luke scolded while pointing a finger at me wich I stuck out my tounge and licked.

"Ew!" He retracked his finger looking at me like I grew two heads.I layed down in front of him as the meeting started. "Hello, I'd like to say that we are closing for the season or until we get enough money to pay some bills," He eyes us then continued "You all are going to go with a wolf on this list.Anyone not wanting to do this?" He asked again and when no one raised a hand he said "The wolf and person first will be Luke and Harmony sense he can only control her." Luke patted my head and I guess took me to get the stuff. We twisted and turned until we got back to my exhibit.

He had a couple meats, a ball, and my teddy bear wich was in mint condition. We walked back but this time out of the gates and to a black and white mustang wich was pretty cool. He put everything in the back before opening the back door, "Up, Harmony." I jumped up onto the seat and layed down with my head on my paws looking out the window.Luke flipped on a thing that played noise called a 'Radio' the strumming of a instrument started lolling me to sleep as I closed my eyes.

"Girly we gotta go inside." Luke said softly running a hand inbetween my ears and down my back tracing the white mark.I whinned softly at him as I slowly got up and stretched. I jumped out of the car. Around a big white house was a garden and wide open vast front yard, flowers bloomed down the lining of the path creating a beautiful sene. A hum of another engine close by cut me out of my thoughts. A black Honda pulled up behind Luke's car. "Bro! I have Crasher!" He shouted before opening another door.A dark brown and light brown wolf with beautiful eyes jumped out of the door. He had a wide build like mine but not as much muscle. "Xaviar, I have Harmony!" He shouted back before doing a guy hug. 

Xaviar had brown hair and light brown eyes with a handsome face and also fit. "Come here," Xaviar told me rudly. I stuck my head up my lips pulling back and my tail up. "Didn't you say you were her trainer?" He turned to Luke. Sighing he said "Yes. I trained her,not you dude." Relization struck his features before he shrugged. I sniffed the air, it seemed like Crasher was a werewolf too.

They started up the stairs so I followed slightly behind while Crasher rubbed on my side,I for one know I'm not in heat. He looked around two. I growled half-heartedly at him for a second.He shook his fur out beside me before leaning on me some more and putting his head on my cheek. I huffed at him, that got the boys attention because one of them pulled out their phone and snapped a picture. 

"Aww," they coursed simutaniously. We walked up the steps into a elegant living room.A giant shandeler hung above the couch that was brown leather and infront of the plasma tv. The carpet was pure white with a giant stair case, from the living room you could see through two see-through doors a Olympic Swimmer's pool but without the things in the water and you can walk straight in with a waterfall beside it. Behind it you could see vast open fields, some with fences around them.Flowers bloomed in some spaces creating a perfect picture destination.

"Guys! I'm home!" A girls voice shouted but it sounded young, not young enough to be squeaky nor deep. A perfect voice.She dropped her bag filled with books and it landed with a 'oomph' she rolled her shoulders a bit. She had light brown colored hair with some blond streaks from the sun with crystal blue eyes with a bright green ring around the pupil, rosey red cheeks with a freckle on the left side of her cheek,she looked 5'4, she had full pink lips but looked slightly over weight. All in all she looked pretty. 

Crasher stil leaned on me as we flopped to the ground, he turned his head to lay on my shoulders as I put my head on his paws. "Yes Ariyana, we heard the door." Luke said. They stepped infront of us and said, "Now don't freak out and they arn't ours we are just taking care of them but..." they let the sentence hang as they stepped aside reveling us. "Hi guys," she said softly as she crouched down and looked us over before sitting on the ground staring at us with a awe expression on her face, guess she liked animals.

"Are they mates?" She asked curiously, "No, they arn't they just met today." Xaviar said then pointed at me,"They girls Harmony or whatever you want to call her, then thhe boys Crasher." He introduced us.

Hello new life, for now.

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