Chapter 3

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I layed on my back in Luke's bed with my paws flipped down my tail infront of me with my legs spread open creating me taking up half of the bed.The light snores and a arm wrapped around me hugging me like a teddy bear was wierd.I'm pretty sure I looked like a giant dog though right now.Light cries were heard from the other room, my ears perked at the sound and I flipped over onto my belly as I crawled out of the bed and nudged the door open.

Next door down the cries were louder but still soft so I used my nose again and opened it, there laying in bed was Ariyana staring at the ceiling.I whined softly at her and jumped up licking the tears away,a choked sob echoed around the room as she hugged me close and burried her head into my fur.

"I miss her, I miss her so dang much." She cried out the words getting muffled by my fur.I nudged her to tell me, "When we first moved her I had to be forced to get rid of my Doberman Fluffer, I was 13 but now I'm 14, I loved that dog enough to jump infront of a oncoming veichle, jump infront of a bullet for her or evel kill myself!I raised her sense she was eight weeks old up until she was three, she's going on four now.She was the most beautiful dog you could ever see, her red coat with different colors, she was getting white hairs by her nose too.She was a amazing dog belive it or not and she saved me from a car accident when I walked into the road I only stopped when she ran out infront of me and dragged me back!They took her away from me!" She cried harder into my fur as I understood, she slowed down and finally said,"Luke and Xaviar, they did." then drifted off to sleep. I hoped out of her bed nudging the door closed again, the tv light lit up the room some as I jumped up and layed my head across her shoulders.


"Girls wake up!" Luke shook Ariyana hardly and I growled lowly at him, how dare he do that to her! My fur bristeled at him and I nipped at his hands in warning.He looked at me with wide eyes and his hands went down to his sides like a soilder, I turned around completly fine when I looked at her and nudged her slightly before licking her eye making her groan and wipe it off.

She hoped out of bed glaring at Luke before ushering him out and changing, I closed my eyes for that.She opened her door motioning me out and I instantly ran up to her and clung to her leg, my fur on her jeans, she had on jeans and a grey shirt.She looked down at me and smiled slightly. Crasher and Xaviar appereared out of a bedroom a couple doors infront of us and Crasher bounded up to me and we licked each others muzzle in greeting before he leaned on me again.

Pancake eggs and bacon waffed into our noses as well as the zoo meat. I lurched forwards and ran to the front of the stairs before leaping off and landing on my feet skill fully before running the rest of the way to the kitchen. "Here guys!" Luke hollered directed towards Crasher and I. The two bowls were on the ground as well as a water dish between the two, I went up to my emereled green bowl and devowered the red steak that the zoo gave him. 

My fur was going lighter today that means my fur would change color soon. After eating I washed down my throught with some water and needed to go pee. My blader was on the verge of dying! I whinned loudly while picking my feet up and down near the door outside. Ariyana was the first one done and left her plate there to walk over and open the door and stand outside.I bolted outside and went behind a tree and let the barriers to my blader down. I huffed in contentness once I was done and walked out from behind the tree and sat near the pool while the sun soaked in my fur.I heard the clang of the door being closed before she sat with her feet in the pool petting me.

When the sun started to make my fur hot I didn't hesitate to jump in.I made a big splash as I recerficed. The startled howl of Crasher made me know he was barging out of the house ready to save me but I was just swimming. Luke and Xaviar hot on his heals, that was until he saw me and got playful jumping in too.He swam towards me and gently grabbed me by the should so I flipped in the water and dunked him before letting him resurfice. 

It went on like this for a while until we saw some birds, looking at eachother we swam fastly towards the edge. I gripped the edge of the pool hauling myself up before looking back and seeing Crasher looking up at me for help. I braced myself before leaning in and hauling him up by the scruff.I looked back and saw the guys laughing and Ariyana grinning at us. I stared at them. Why were they laughing? Did I have something on my coat? I looked down at my fur and saw it was getting lighter and lighter so I would have a new coat soon.

I howled lightly and set off towards the black birds, they were surrounding something. The fence was high and they trusted us so they all went in.They flew away as soon as I ran towards them though. A little whine sounded near the pile, a pup was there with a tiny body, it was a new born and a wolf pup.Her eyes weren't even open! The mom must have abandoned her.Crasher looked at me with the 'What-The-Heck' expression. Yeah sense we were both werewolves we communicate that way. She smelled like a pure wolf though.I'll take care of her some how!

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