Chapter 6

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I sat in the field, the grass tipping over my shoulders and slouching as I took in the bright sun. The robber was still armed and on the loose sadly. Personally, I wouldn't break into a house with big ass wolves and expect to just shot anything and leave. Um no buddy, not the way it works. I'd bite him or terifiy him, either one works. The hot sun beated down on me in what felt like waves, I could tell that if you touched me you would get burnt. 

Something wet touched me on the cheek and I jumped five feet up in the air and spinned looking around only to find a amused Crasher. I furrowed my brows and put my nose to his cheek also and then pulled back after I released a breath onto him. Wait the pup! I frowned as much as I could and made a motion to the house as best as I could. Crasher gave me a panicked look as I took off in long strides my ears pinned back as dirt chunks mixed with grass flew up behind me hitting Crasher in the face. I slipped in  the crack of the door breathing evenly as I followed the sound of tiny howls. In a small room Luke was holding Eli. My hackles raised as my teeth bared into a dangerous expression that said one thing 'You are going down buddy.' I made my presence be known as Luke picked up and dialed a number letting a deep rumble out of my throught one of a protective mother as I opened my mouth a little slober dripping out onto the floor crowding my teeth. I shook my head like a rabid dog making spit fly every where. Soon behind me I heard another growl join in as the yowls of Eli grew louder.

Luke slowly put her on the plush bed in his room and putting his hands up in surrender. On his phone wich he balanced between his neck and head he spoke softly, "Hi Buck its Luke," his voice barly above a whisper and so soft, "Crasher and Harmony have had a pup. Age? I don't know! It's brown. Could it be when a wolf broke into their exhibit, Buck no.Okay, okay, see you soon." he huffed as I closed my jaws the rumble of protection still emiting from me in waves.Crasher tailed behind me sheilding my body as best as he could with his teeth bared.

"Harmony...Crasher...we have to go on a car ride!" He spoke nerviously. I would be nervous too but thats not the point. "Xavior!" Luke spoke in a order as his brother barged into the room, from his sudden actions my butt went down as I bared my teeth again. "Get Crasher!" Luke almost shouted as Xavior lunged at Crasher, now we wouldn't hurt them but still. Crasher nipped Xavior on the arm as I picked up Eli by the scruff hearing her yells quiet down.Luke calmly walked over to me and wraped a rope around my neck as I stood stiff as a board. In and out Clara, in and out, do no endanger Eli's life. As Xavior wraped a rope around Crasher he cried out as I walked ahead. I instantly put my butt to the ground and bracing myself as Crasher went ahead of us with a dangerous look. 

Luke opened up the back door and dropped the rope, looking both ways I started to back up until I glanced at Crasher give me a 'Don't do it' look. I sighed and glared as I jumped in the back with Crasher before Luke could close the door Ariyana bounded down the drive way and grinned before shreiking. I growled loudly as Eli began to whine before I stood over her and she started to suckle. She nipped me. She. Just. Nipped. Me! I leaned down and growled stiffly at her. My poor boob! What kind of beast would do that! Well Eli would. Poor Eli she will probably open her ears and eyes soon.Be exposed to the zoo as she got older. I some what like the zoo, psh, I'm joking. I hate it! Being cooped up all day in a tiny exhibit with a fake tree and grass to try and 'teach' kids about us. They don't even know us! Heck, I'm probably the only wolf who acts some what natural. "Ariyana, no. We have to take them to Buck." Luke said. Now you see, I've never met this 'Buck' and I never wanted to. No turning back time now.

I kept standing up as the car swayed me every once in a while I would almost tip but make my balance go to my paws.Crasher started getting antsy and made noises of disconfort every once in a while. He wanted out of the car. We arn't tamed animals. We are Werewolves. We are not to be treated like dogs! I snarled making Luke's hairs go up on his neck leaning forwards, I was behind him on the seats. I chuckled a wolfy chuckle that sounded demonic. What if I am? Well, if I was I wouldn't have taken a pup under my paw. We pulled up in a street close to the zoo, the bustling city and honking cars, not to mention the lights! It was overwhelming. How can people live like that? I certanily couldn't. Unless I was a feral animal, who would like a giant wolf with a smaller wolf roaming around the city? They might scream or something. My nail caught a peice of the fabric covering the seat belts, yelping I pulled back making it tear a little bit before leaning my head down and licking my injured nail. 

"Harmony!" Xavior said scoldingly as Crasher looked at him with a amused expression before inspecting me with uncertainy. I pulled my chin up and licked his nose before feeling Eli's tiny mouth unlatch as milk dribbled down her face. I made my back feet go off of the seat as I pushed her towards the back of the seat and licked her clean. No getting dirty on my watch little Eli! She made a hiccup movement as he paws curled and uncurled rocking her whole body back and forth with the movements with no hiccup noise. She didn't look like she was going to barf though. I moved my front feet off as I layed on the little walking pathway for feet resting my head on the seat, blowing warm breath on her threw my nose. The city lights dimmed a little as we reached the massive zoo. Noises were heard along with the smell of animals, not many though probably only some getting check ups. I reached my head to Eli hovering my mouth above her scruff as Luke parked at the front of the zoo getting the ropes before tossing one to Xavior. Xavior reached behind him feeling Crasher's head before slipping on the rope. I put my head in the rope of Luke's quickly before returning to my pup. They opened up the doors letting the ropes drop as I picked Eli up before the door opened, as I jumped out swiftly Luke picked up the long rope. 

I made little sounds calling to Crasher, poking his head from around the car he tugged Xavior over to me sniffing me with a greeting as we crashed out sides together into a furry heap. The boys had to walk infront of us while letting us have the rope to mostly ourselves while glancing behind them every so often. Probably making sure we won't lunge and kill them. We walked straight threw the gates making me glance around, my senses going into overload as my protectivness kicks in. It washed over me like a wave as she started moving around making tiny sounds of annoyance. "Ah, Buck!" Luke said sounded relived as I backed up as this Buck came towards me and Eli. He reached his hand out trying to snatch her away as I bared my teeth and growled.

Um no buddy.

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