Chapter 8

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My tail curled around my body tickling my nose as Crasher and Eli snuggled up to me. The cool carpet near the open door leading to the pool hummed across my coat blowing it in different directs.I let out a soft sigh as the cool morning air still blew on me with short breathes. The sun was rising and Ariyana was up in her room shuffling threw her drawers. The dew on the blades of the grass reflected the rising sun and the pool had little ripples in it as a branch from a tree dripped it's dew into it. My eyes dropped down as I streched letting my muscles go out and relieve themselves from being in the same position for hours. My body fanned out as the tiny yowls of Eli was beside me. Crasher stirred from his sleep letting out a yawn before turning towards the noisey Eli and nipped her making her let out a soft whine before crawling to me. My stomach up in the air as my legs sprawled out she climbed ontop of my stomach by my heart and slowly fell asleep with her head bobbing up and down.I sucked in a breath of air making my chest go up then slowly back down as I exhailed. Eli whinned softly snuggling deeper into my coat. 

Ariyana skipped down the stairs with a hop in her step as her brown hair bounced behind her. Her white sneakers squeaked as she jumped from the stairs down landing on her feet. She tipped back and then regained her balance as she moved with grace. She towered over us at this view point. Her blue top hung down from her and stopped just below her waist. Her black shorts looked comfortable on her. My gaze landed on her face as she smiled it made her look like a angel. She reached down near my stomach near Eli watching my movements as I watched her movements for any sign of danger. I trust her. I was just in a really bad mood yesterday, no biggie. She reached down and rubbed my thick underbelly. I let out a woof of joy as she continued to rub and get out some iches. I shifted my wolf hips as my tail wagged. Crasher moved his giant paw that was rough by my fur with a growl. His body inched closer to me. I reached my head down and picked up Eli before setting her down. I stood up slowly and nudged him with my nose quickly. He growled again. So I nudged him again. He rolled over and so I did a rational thing. I pounced on him. I dug my nose into his pelt making his eyes snap open. 

The wind whipped viciously at us now. Ariyana's foot steps faided as I sighed. Crasher stood up making me tilt and go down onto the ground. My breathing was rough as I stood up and we crashed together away from the pup rolling on the floor playfully. I flipped us one more time before I was ontop. My growl was playful as my tail wagged in the air. Crasher's tail swept the floor as his tounge lolled out of his mouth. The door opened with a "Bye," and shut. I perked my ears and stepped of of him with a sigh. 

Crasher stood up and trotted over to Eli. Picking her up he hopped on the couch. We would be fed later when the lazy guys woke up. I heard the squeak and the huff of the old yellow bus. I waited for a few minutes to drive off. It didn't. A laugh of a maniac, or just someone who is not afraid echoed around us. It was far away and that sweet voice of Ariyana was the one who made that laugh. Then I heard it.

A gun loading. I let out a thunderous growl and ran. My legs pumping as the carpet tore and shredded as my nails flexed in and out as my paws hit it. The growls were still coming out of me. I heard the loud thump of someone being shoved off of a bed and a alarmed gasp. I heard doors slam open and the loud click of buttons as I propelled myself over the fence. As I was over the fence with my front paws with my ears pinned back the air came at my face as I kicked the fence with my back paws. It made a 'Creakkk' as my paws hit it then bent forwards again. Turning I skidded down the road seeing the yellow bus with black in the distance. The doors were shut. The black glint of a gun reflected into my eyes. That was it. My legs sped up faster and faster as I sped towards them. 

He is not hurting Ariyana! I'd hate to admit it as I skidded to a hault a three yards away but if I do anything right now she'd get shot. I watched as the man had the gun to her temple. The safety was still on. It could easily be flicked off. Ariyana seemed to know it was on as the corner of her mouth tugged up into smirk. Her gaze flicked to me and her lips pulled up more. I was in the shadows near the man's backside but where I could still see his gun. Her eyes sparkled in something unknown as she turned to look at the gun sideways. Inside the bus was deafly quiet. Some girls were crying. Some gasping and holding a hand over their mouth. Some just peaking over the windows down at them. Some even had a phone out taping it! Some sounding like they wanted to chuckle and giggle. 

Sirens were heard as Luke watched them with a phone in his hand up to his ear. His eyes shinning with untold tears. His eyes never leaving the gun at his sister's temple. His jaw clenched as his hands were going white under the preasure of the hold on his phone. Hair messy and untouched with a white and blue shirt thrown ontop of him and his sweat pants on. His feet are bare and looked to be cold. Ariyana connected eyes with me and just watched. She wasn't freaking out. Small chuckles escaped from her lips. 

A small almost sound of a whisper breathing came from her lips, "They are coming for you," was all she said as she closed her lips. 

The man froze in his place as the sirens died down as the flashing american colors from ontop of his car revolved. The police man stood in his car with a radio by his mouth. Watching. Just watching the man. Analyzing him up and down for any weaknesses. The gun pressed into her head more making me emite a low growl into the air. He froze again. His hands shook as he looked around for the sound near him. What stinks for him is I was right behind him learking in the shadows. The shadows - as dark as his soul- helped me stay hidden and they were helping me. Not him, me. 

A gun was pulled out of the police's waist. "Drop the weapon!" He shouted while pointed dead on at the man's head. Ariyana's life is in danger. No matter if he liked it or not he has to save her. It's in his job. I snarled loudly.

"No!" I heard a shout back from the man as his voice dripped with venom. 

"Put it down!" I heard his reply again.

"No!" I growled loudly this time at the reply.

"I can only ask you one more time to please drop the gun. I can help you get through your problems. Just put it down. Are you angry at someone? Did someone do something to you and you hide it for so long that you just exploded? Just drop the weapon son and it will all be over." His calm voice replied. 

"N-n-no." Was his reply. His hands shook making the gun fall. That was my que. I ran full force at the gun and pounced on him. Snarling in his face as he rolled over. His brown orbs looked back at me with fear. He is a monster. He should be punished. He should not be able to live! I snarled louder and barred my teeth in his face. I nipped his cheeks a few time drawing blood before I bit his leg.

"Harmony! No," I heard Ariyana say and I glanced up to her. The unknown emotion was back. I looked into her orbs and shook my head. The emotion is fear. She was scared. Was it all a act? I think so but you can never know. I stepped off of the shaken man and to Ariyana. I sniffed her all over making sure no blood was drawn. No smell of iron. I put my front paws on her shoulders and licked her face continuously as she giggled. She wasn't hurt. 

The police man sighed and the next thing I heard was, "I havn't ever seen a wolf do that before in my entire life!" As he walked past Luke he patted him on the back. I hopped off of Ariyana and widened my stance protectivly infront of her as the man picked up the gun guy. He put the cuffs on his wrists and clanked them together making him cry out in pain. 

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do or say can and will be used against you in the court of law. If you cannot aford a lawyer one will be apointed for you," He continued with the maranda rights. Shoving him in the car he slamed the door and climbed into the front. The sirens turned on as he rolled off. He let a pleasent wave to us before he drove off. 

A older lady stepped down the steps. I instantly stood infront of Ariyana. "Hunny do you want to go to school still?" She questioned Ariyana whom I wasn't letting get past me. 

"No!" She almost shouted at the same time Luke said yes. 

"No," She pleaded this time towards Luke making him nod his head.

"I'll take care of the school, you run along now." 

Inside the house ooo

I snuggled up to Ariyana as she huffed and hugged my furry neck while watching T.V. with icecream in her lap. 

Luke barged into the room. "Guys I have some news," just as Xavior came in.

"The zoo is fixed." They said together.

"No!" Ariyana shouted.

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