Coffee and Submission.

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Rolling my eyes as I peeked at my watch and paced, more than usual. I was a pacer always had been a worrier and a walking ulcer but the fact that I was getting to see Gerard for the first time in weeks was making the wait time literal hell. I could hear the guys on the bus talking about how on edge I seemed and suggesting privately that perhaps they should make me some tea or something; or you know anything. I had to give them some credit they took pretty damn good care of me.

Pulling my phone out of my ass pocket I sent a half annoyed half worried text to Gerard begging him to at least let me know where he was. He had landed in New Jersey 3 days ago but had spent time with his parents and took the time to explain to them the upcoming changes in his life. A small part of me wondered if he had told his mom? I had always had a feeling she kind of knew the way she looked at me throughout the years. Even regardless of the way he looked at me the man told her everything so there was no secrets from momma Way.

G: Hold on to your panties Frankie, I'm getting coffee and buying a coffee pot because I know yours in the bus has a residue of shitty coffee. I love you be there soon.

Groaning to myself I replied snappily and boarded the bus explaining our delay that technically wasn't one I just liked to be really fucking early and proceeded to move stuff around to ensure Gerard would have enough room for all of his shit. I had even made sure the bus I rented had a full sized bed in the back for us and a murphy table for him to draw on. I wanted this time of reacquaintance to be perfect, I needed it to be. Not that it was make or break because regardless I loved him but I just wanted things to be nice.

I could remember the way we used to have to squeeze into a small bunk back in the day. Squeezed and quiet all of out kisses half silenced by our own fears. Now we could just be us, I couldn't be prouder. Half of me wished Ray and Mikey had come forward with knowing years ago so that we could have become public. Posing questions throughout my mind of what if I envisioned if we had been able to start the rest of our lives during revenge era. If we had skipped the time in between, the lies to one another, and Bert. Furrowing my brow and lip to even the thought of him I threw myself onto the bed face first like a child pouting. I wanted to see him,I just wanted him here and no amount of reassurance of his upcoming arrival would quench my angst to just have him here. Feeling a vibration in my pocket I pulled out my phone excitedly, expecting the announcement of his arrival and the request of an escort into the bus. For such a flamboyant man he was a wad of anxiety, which by default I had no room to talk. Being presented with just that I tossed myself onto my feet and tore down what could be loosely considered a hallway of the bus and skipped taking the steps and instead jumped right out and over the 5 steps that led to the ground.

Forgetting the fact that i'm not a teenager anymore and actually a 34 year old clumsy man I tumbled onto the ground and rolled onto my ass at the foot of a way too well dressed Gerard. Looking up his body from toe to head. I marveled at his black paten leather dress shoes, mustard socks, black pants, and white button up. My mouth fell open in the same breath I hooked my lip into my teeth. Staring down at me with a cup of coffee in his hand he smirked. His genuinely sexy, hello I am daddy and I will fuck you and you will love it smirk.  Crouching down to my level he sat his coffee on the pavement and grabbed my jaw with both of his hands kissing me with what started as a hello kiss and quickly escalated.

"You're here." I smiled tearing up a little more than I care to admit and I tried to get to my feet so I could kiss him again. His strong arm pulled my torso to his and kissed me again trying to makeup for not only the few weeks but maybe even the years we had missed. With a love drunk swoon the tip of my converse spun and kicked over the large coffee that had sat just to the left of his feet.

"Oh baby boy. The coffee. Really the coffee? You spilt my coffee." He half pouted and then quickly perked up as if a grand idea had entered his mind. Mouthing an I'm sorry, and then suggesting that we get all of his stuff on the bus. I was hoped his great epiphany was going to be one of great pleasure to both of us. 

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