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The sun was blinding your eyes as you walked back home from school. It was one of those days where being the Student Council President had its down turns. Teachers had been asking for you every time you managed to free yourself from another teacher’s grasp, asking for your help in the organisation for the end of year assembly. You didn’t even have time to eat your lunch. With a weary sigh, you continued to trudge home, pulling the straps of your backpack higher onto your shoulders.

You weren’t paying attention to where you were going and very nearly walked into a pole if you hadn’t tripped over a crack in the pavement and landed clumsily, barely catching yourself with your hands. Gritting your teeth, you slowly turned your hand over not wanting to see the grazes that you knew were there. Your knees were beginning to bleed and you winced as the wind blew against it, stinging the wound. Another sigh left your lips and you stood up, grit your teeth and forged on home with your bleeding injuries.

As you limped along the footpath nearing your home, you stumbled a little and almost fell over again. Except this time, you felt a pair of strong arms catch you. The person who had caught you, righted you on your feet, keeping a hold on your shoulders to make sure you were steady and wouldn’t fall over again. “You okay?” They asked you.

All this time you had kept your eyes lowered. You were feeling more than embarrassed to be seen falling over already with bleeding injuries. Now, you looked up to see who your saviour was and saw that it was Yixing. He was smiling, the dimples clearly visible on his cheeks, and scratching the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah, I’m fine now. Thanks,” you said, gingerly fixing your skirt.

“Ah, that’s good,” he nodded and looked around, not meeting your eyes.

It hadn’t been long since you had met Yixing. He was the Chinese transfer student who everyone was hyped up about, and rumours had it that he was a dancing machine despite his shy personality though some would dispute that he wasn’t shy at all but an extremely talkative person. You didn’t care much for rumours, what with being the Student President, though you understood now why all the girls kept whispering behind their hands about how hot the new kid was whenever Yixing walked past. You blew against your hands as you thought, cooling the stinging grazes while keeping an eye on him. He was chewing on his bottom lip cutely and you couldn’t help but smile a little. This so-called hot guy that every girl drooled over was acting this cutely in front of you.

“I should head home now,” you said quietly and he chuckled. “What? What’s so funny?”

“Your injuries need treating.”

“Oh duh, Mr.Obvious.”

“I’ll take you home,” he decided, and with a hand hovering behind your back, the two of you proceeded to your home.


You examined the bandages again, admiring how well they were done. “Wow, you’re great at this! You bandaged my hand so fast and so nicely. I couldn’t have done better myself,” you said, turning to face him. Yixing’s cheeks pinked and you laughed heartily.

“Thanks, it’s no problem really.” His dimpled smile made you smile as well and you wondered why you hadn’t spoken to him before. Yixing was certainly a lot more interesting when he spoke, and he definitely spoke as much as the rumours that floated around about him.

He stretched, pulling his arms upwards before standing up. “Well, maybe I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked, unrolling his sleeves and pulling on his school blazer. He had taken it off before to help clean your injuries, dabbing lightly at your knees and stopping every time you hissed even though you had urged him to hurry up and get it over and done with. Now as he was pulling it back on, you couldn’t help but admire his arms that had caught you so easily before. “Um, hello?” he waved a hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts.

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