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You sat on the couch, a bowl of chips in your lap as you watched TV. You were bored and had nothing to do, with the only excitement in your life when Kris was with you. You sighed and popped a few more chips into your mouth while flicking through the different channels on TV. Nothing interested you, so you turn it off in frustration.

“Ah, what am I to do?” You sighed, leaning back against the sofa. You put the bowl beside you and pulled your legs up, wrapping your arms around them. “I don’t want to do my essays! And it’s only a week until Christmas!” You sat up and put the bowl safely on the ground so you won’t accidently spill the chips and have to clean up later, then curling into a ball again.

You made a face and closed your eyes. Slowly, you drifted off to sleep like that, curled up on the sofa because you had nothing better to do. The day became night gradually and you didn’t notice, sleeping too soundly to detecting anything that was happening around you.


­­You woke to find yourself on your bed, the covers pulled up and tucked around you. While rubbing your eyes, you tried to sit up but something heavy was weighing down the blanket and you couldn’t move any further than lifting your head and arms up. The room was also dark and barely illuminated by the moonlight that shone through the window, so you couldn’t see what was on the bed. “Ah, what is this…” you mumbled, trying to reach out and move the thing away.

The bed creaked a little and someone took your hand in theirs. The hand was large and warm, and the person shifted a little before chuckling. “Eh? Is that you… Kris?” You asked; your throat dry after sleeping through the afternoon.

He only grunted in response and you smiled. How typical of him to not talk much. But then you remembered that he had not even mentioned Christmas even once. You hadn’t even put up a Christmas tree yet. You sighed and looked up at where you guessed his face was, “Kris. Haven’t you forgotten something?” You pouted but bet he couldn’t see that well either in the dark.

“… No. Why?” He said slowly. He still kept a hold of your hand and hadn’t moved an inch.

“Aish. You… you are such an idiot, you know that?” You frowned, “How could you forget one of the most important events of the year?”

“Your birthday?... But I thought we already celebrated your birthday this year?” He stated, more than asked.

“Like I said, you’re an idiot,” you rolled your eyes and tried to sit up again but this time, Kris held your shoulders and gently pushed you back down. “What?” You asked irritably.

He was silent for a while before he answered. “I didn’t forget Christmas. I’ve just been busy with the company and the increasing orders we’ve been receiving.”

“Really? When, oh, you’re only the CEO of the largest company in this country?” you said sarcastically. Now, you really wanted to sit and turn on the lights too. You reached over to the lamp that sat on the right bedside table but he was still holding your hand in his grasp. “Ah, let go please.”

“No,” he said firmly. You groaned and turned to face the window, away from Kris. “Come on, don’t be stubborn. Everything I’ve said is true.”

You stayed like that, not turning to face him even though you had missed him for the past week with all his work keeping him from coming home. “I don’t care.”

“I’ll… make it up to you,” Kris murmured, tugging on your hand so that you would face him. You resisted and didn’t move. He reached out and made you face him, keeping a firm hold on your shoulder with his other hand.

You couldn’t see his expression and couldn’t predict what he would do next. “Then do what I say, and let me host a Christmas party here!” you smirked into the dark. Kris didn’t say anything and you could only see his silhouette, and that he was moving closer.

His lips brushed against yours slowly, lightly moving over yours before he moved away a few centimetres. You could feel his breath fanning over your face and felt a smile forming on your face. “…Fine. That means you’re paying me back for the rest of your life. And this is my home you know,” he mumbled before his lips crashed onto yours again with a mind numbing sweetness and a hint of lust as he sucked on your bottom lip.

By the time he had finished kissing you, you were both a heaving mess. You had deepened the kiss, mumbling, “I missed you,” every now and then with “I love you,” and you could feel his smirk every time you said those three words as well as his reply of, “I love you too.” You couldn’t help but drown in his love and wrap your arms around his neck so that Kris couldn’t escape so easily again.

You were both breathing heavily but you laughed quietly, “So what do I have to pay you back with, Mr.CEO?”

“I’ll think of something by the time the Christmas party is over,” he chuckled. He kissed your forehead then stood up. “It’s late now. I should go have a shower now.”

You realised that it was pretty late and sat up quickly. “Wait! What time is it now?” you asked, panicking a little.

“Hmm? It’s around…” Kris pulled out his phone, the screen illuminating his face for a moment before he put it away, “Nine thirty-ish. Why?”

“Then, what time did you get home?”

“I think it was about seven? You were asleep, so I carried you upstairs,” Kris replied, then walked to the bathroom, turning on the light and closing the door behind him.

You slowly counted the time you had slept and was shocked that it had been around four to five hours. You bit your lip and pushed away the covers before running downstairs. You hadn’t even made dinner ye and your stomach grumbled just in time as you made your way downstairs.


As you chopped up vegetables and put them into a frying pan, stirring the food every now and then, you thought about your week without Kris. “Ah, it’s too depressing to think about. I should just finish making this quickly, right my dear stomach?” you said, patting your stomach affectionately.

The scent of cooked food made your mouth water and your stomach grumble louder. The rice cooker also beeped loudly, signalling that the rice has finished cooking. You turned off the stove, letting the vegetables cool slightly as you took out the rice pot and put it onto the kitchen bench. You took some plates and poured the vegetables in, and carried it to the already set out dinner table. You had already cooked a small meat dish and a salad, placing the vegetables with them as well. You wiped your hands on the apron and clapped your hands. “Aren’t I amazing? Cooking all this wonderful food in one hour. Ho ho ho~” you laughed, pretending to be like those rich madams in dramas.

“Who’s amazing?” Kris’s voice was beside your ear as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “My beautiful yeobo?”

“Aish! You nearly scared me!” You pouted and pushed his face away. “Sit! Look what I made for you in such a short amount of time! You better appreciate this,” you threatened with a menacing look.

“Of course,” Kris shrugged, sitting down, “I mean… you are paying me back for the rest of your life after the Christmas party.”

“Yah! Mr.Cold Guy! Watch what you’re saying! Else you will never get another home cooked meal!” You glared and hit him playfully on the shoulder, then taking off your apron and sitting down as well.

❄ 12 Miracles of Christmas ❄ [EXO Kpop Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now