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Children of all ages were tottering, running, screaming and being all round boisterous for the season. There was laughter everywhere as rounds of games were played with the children. The day care centre was celebrating the Christmas season with a party the week before Christmas Day and everyone was enjoying themselves to the fullest. You stood with a few of the other day care workers and watched as the children played, cheering them on or helping them up again if they fell over. As the children’s parents weren’t there, they were more playful and even those who were normally shy joined in.

Soon it was time to hand out the gifts the day care had prepared for the children. You hurried off to the staffroom, looking around for Suho. He was the only male carer there, so everyone had picked him to dress up as Santa. Surprisingly, he had agreed easily on one condition, that you were to dress up as an elf, and now, he was probably getting changed into the outfit. You sighed when you thought about dressing up but went to the bathroom anyways.

The red velvet bag of gifts sat in the corner of the staffroom, the gifts wrapped in shiny paper and ready to be distributed to the children. You sat on the worn sofa in the room and waited for Suho to appear. A distant, “Ho ho ho!” was heard and that was your cue to bring in the bag. You straightened your red dress that looked decent enough to be worn in front of children – you had picked out a simple red baby doll dress that finished just below your knees, matched with a black belt and a white, woollen scarf. It looked okay, and with a Santa hat and snowflake earrings as the final touch, it looked Christmassy enough to pretend as an elf (except for the ears).

You sighed and picked up the bag, heaving it over your shoulder and hurrying out to the children. There were louds cheers from the children when you appeared and Santa (Or Suho, really) clapped and laughed with them, “Ho ho ho! Miss. Elf has brought the gifts! Now, line up children if you all want a present!” he said loudly. They all scrambled for a place in the line, pushing and shoving to try and be first. “Now, now, everyone will get something but you all have to be good, okay?” With this, they all calmed down and waited patiently.

Each child happily received his or her own personalized gift and left soon after as their parents came to pick them up. One particular kid came up to you and made you bend down a little to whisper in your ear, “Is it Suho-oppa wearing the suit?”

Your eyes widened and you looked at the little girl, Well, she is one perceptive kid! You thought. You patted her head and held up a finger to your lips, winking at her. “You’re right. You sure are smart! But don’t tell anyone else, okay? Can you keep it a promise?” you asked, holding up your pinkie. She nodded eagerly.

“Yes, unnie! It’s a promise!” she giggled, linking her pinkie with yours. She waved goodbye and ran back to her parents who looked confused at the exchange.

You shook your head and sighed, turning around to see that Suho had come up behind you. “Oh my god! You freaking scared me!” You gasped, holding a hand to your beating heart. He chuckled and pulled down his fake beard.

“Well, Merry Christmas,” he smiled, that heart stopping smile that caused you to stumble a little even though you were wearing flats.

“Uh, yeah, Merry Christmas to you too,” you blushed and walked stiffly back to the staffroom to get your change of clothes. He followed behind you, and even though you knew he was also probably getting changed, you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. It wasn’t like you had had a crush on him since… forever. Oh stop being such a weirdo, you mentally slapped yourself, Why would such a… handsome, gorgeous, nice, caring… GAH! You’re going off on a tangent again! Go get changed already!

You grabbed your bag and rushed off to the female staff bathroom and changed quickly. You didn’t really want to be so close to him again and you were at you’re limit for the day – tired from handling the hyperactive children and more than one close encounter with Suho for the day was making your poor heart drum a little too fast.

❄ 12 Miracles of Christmas ❄ [EXO Kpop Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now