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You rolled around in bed, reluctant to get up. Even though it was Christmas Day, you were feeling down and upset. You stared up at the ceiling, remembering the night before and what had happened.


The wind blew against you, making you shiver even though you were dressed warmly. Snow had piled up on the ground and you paced around in your heeled boots, leaving prints in the snow. “Where is he?” you muttered, pulling your scarf higher and rubbing your hands together.

You had already been waiting for over half an hour for your boyfriend to come and now you were beginning to wonder if he’d ever turn up for your date. You had come ten minutes earlier than the appointed time but even so, he’s late.

You sat on a wooden bench by the fountain, watching other couples pass by with hands clasped around each other’s and enjoying the winter atmosphere together. You were a bit jealous of these couples and wished he’d hurry up.

Your phone rang piercingly from your pocket making you jump. You pulled it out and looked at the screen – 1 new message. You opened it and saw that it was from him. You frowned as you read it, re-reading it several times to make sure that it wasn’t your eyes deceiving you. “What the hell?!” You shouted at the phone.

I’m sorry. Let’s break up – Five words that tore through your heart and shattered it to pieces. You dropped to the ground on your knees, staring at the screen in continued disbelief. Your vision blurred as your tears welled up and fell, dropping one by one into the snow and disappearing. You loved – no, love – him and yet, he went and said something so harsh on a day considered to be the second Valentine’s Day. Why?! You wanted to shout at him. The least he could do was tell you face to face and leave as a better memory than the heart-breaking one now.


­You curled up on your side, rubbing at the dried tear tracks on your cheeks. You shouldn’t be moping around all day after your break up. Instead, you should stand straight and show that you can move on and put on a brave face. You rolled out of bed, and got ready for the day.

As you ate breakfast, you decided to call your best friend, Kyungsoo. You decided to tell him what had happened and ask him for advice; he is your childhood best friend after all and knew you inside out like the back of his hand. You listened to the consecutive rings – one, two, three – before he picked up.


“Hey, it’s me, can we meet today?” You asked.

“Oh hey! Yeah sure! My place or yours?”

“I’ll come over,” you said. You didn’t want to remember all the memories your ex had left behind in your house and mentally reminded yourself to clean up and dispose of anything related to him.

“Alright. I’ll see you then,” he said, seemingly unsuspecting of your tumultuous feelings.


You were now sitting in Kyungsoo’s living room, watching as he brought out tea and snacks and placed it on the table. He poured the tea into two cups and handed one to you. You took in a big whiff and a sip; it was your favourite chrysanthemum tea, its sweet taste calming you down.

Kyungsoo watched you carefully; he had seen the bags under your eyes and how tired you looked in general. He held his own cup, balancing it on one hand then leaning forward and placing it back on the table, making sure to put it on a coaster. He heard you sigh and turned to face you, except, you had your hair down creating a curtain that covered your expression.

His lips stretched into a line as he leaned forward, one hand pulling back your hair slowly and tucking it behind your ear to see your face. You flinched and your hair fell forward again but you looked up, feeling apologetic for some reason.

“I need to talk to you,” you said quickly, hands shaking at the thought of discussing him.

Kyungsoo nodded slowly, “Go on, I’m listening.”

And so you told him what had happened. Kyungsoo would nod at all the right times, often giving you another perspective on what had happened. At the end of it, you took in a shuddering breath and let it out, feeling the oncoming tears again as your vision blurred slightly. You grabbed a tissue and dabbed at your eyes; if you rubbed them, you might tear up even more. He patted your knee and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him as he rubbed soothing circles on your back.

You were quiet and let him comfort you, gratitude welling up in your tears again. “Shh, don’t cry,” he whispered, giving you another tissue. You sniffled and tried to hold them in but they did not stop flowing from your eyes; you heard him sigh and pat you gently, saying, “You can borrow my shoulder any time you need to let it out.”

You cried, leaning into Kyungsoo while muttering how much you hated your ex. Suddenly, Kyungsoo held out a cupped hand in front of you. You blew your nose and wiped your tears, blinking up at him. He smiled his heart-shaped smile at you and said, “Put all your worries and troubles into my hand and I’ll get rid of them for you.”

“H-how?” You looked doubtfully at his hand.

“Mmm… Just put them in here, I’ll show you.”

You put your imaginary ball of feelings into his hand and watched as he stood and moved to the window. You followed him as Kyungsoo squeezed both his hands together as if squeezing everything you put into his hand into a tiny ball, then held up his cupped hands and blew, “Fly, fly, fly away, let her troubles fade away.”

The rhyme made you crack a small smile and Kyungsoo’s spirits lifted when he saw that. He held out his hand again, “Do you have any more?” You nodded and put them into his hands. Once again, he repeated his actions and blew your troubles away. It seemed as if what he had just done was working and you were finally smiling, although a little watery.

“I’m sorry,” you said, linking your hand with his. Your hands intertwined easily and you continued, “-for making your Christmas so depressing.”

He chuckled and went to sit back down, pulling you down beside him. “It’s alright, as long as you’re happy now. Should we start making Christmas lunch now?” he asked.

You agreed, and together, you spent the rest of the day a little more enjoyably than before.

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