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“Aw, come on!” You whined, pouting and doing aegyo to try and make him stop. Luhan turned around but didn’t let go of your wrist.

“What?” He said in a deadpan voice, raising one eyebrow. “What do you want?”

You sighed, “Do we have to go shopping now?” He gave you another look. “I mean look-“, you pointed at the bustling streets, “- the shops are all freaking full! How are we going to get in?”

It seemed impossible, but Luhan raised his eyebrow even further, “Really? Did you forget who I am?” he said, crossing his arm triumphantly.

Of course he would use his power. You rolled your eyes and let him lead you to an expensive clothing store. “Today is Boxing Day, where almost every shop has sales on. This is a good opportunity to renew your –“, Luhan looked down at what you were wearing, “-wardrobe.” You stuck your tongue out at him and patted your dress. This was one of your favourite dresses and one that your stylish boyfriend at least approved of.

Luhan gripped your hand tightly, and you squeezed his hand right back, giving him a playful smile when he turned to look at you. “Where are we going, my badass boyfriend? Hmm?” You giggled.

“You’ll see,” Luhan said.


It turns out Luhan had brought you out to eat. At a patisserie. In the City. On Boxing Day. You looked from the beautiful cake in front of you to your smirking boyfriend who sat opposite of you. “Wait, I thought we were shopping for new clothes. For me, right?” You said, your eyebrows drawing together as you stared at him.

He laughed, dipping a finger into the icing and dabbing it on your nose. “Oi! You’re ruining my makeup!” You shouted and took revenge by putting more icing on his face. Luhan glared at you but you laughed it off, cutting a large slice of cake for yourself. He watched you eat and cut a slice for himself as well. You fed each other, even if you were a little embarrassed to be behaving like this in public.


“We’re going shopping now, right?” You asked, peering into the shop windows. Luhan nodded. “Yay!” you hugged him, but let go just as quickly in embarrassment.

“Aw, why’d you let go so quickly?” He laughed, holding you hand.

“Let’s just go!” You muttered and dragged him to the nearest shop. Inside, bright lights and crowds of people around the store pulsed with energy as people went around looking for the best bargain. “Urgh, maybe this is a bad idea after all.”

“Well, you’re the one that pulled me in here. I was going to go to the one across the road,” he said, pointing out the shop window to the shop that was selling female lingerie.

Your eyes widened and you blushed, smacking him on the arm, “Yah! No way! Even I don’t go to those stores! They’re way too expensive and… it’s embarrassing,” you whispered.

“Alright! We’ll go there next!” He sang happily.

“Like I said, no! That’s sexual harassment!” you glared at Luhan, and pushed through the crowds to try and find some sort of space.

Turns out, you were out of luck, as the rest of the store was even more packed inside than before. “Okay, I think I’ll be sick,” you faked heaved, clutching your stomach dramatically. People instantly moved away when hearing your words, all muttering behind their hands about how gross and disgusting it would be for them. When a wide berth was around you and you could finally take a breather, you turned to Luhan triumphantly. Only, he wasn’t there. “Huh? Luhan! Where are you?” you shouted.

Luhan appeared from the crowds, clothes draped over his arm. “I think these will suit you really nicely,” he said, completely oblivious to the fact that you were just worried sick about him. “Let’s go to the change rooms.”

“Oh my god. Luhan, where did you just go?” You asked incredulously. He turned his head to look at you.

“To find these!”

“Argh!” you growled, throwing up your hand in frustration. Luhan only laughed.


That continued through the rest of the shops you went to, each time coming out with another bag of clothes (and lingerie on Luhan’s insistence) until you were completely exhausted, arms full of shopping bags.

Now, Luhan gave you a kiss and smiled, “Come on, I’m going to take you somewhere,” he said, and strode off in the direction of his car.

“Ah, wait for me!” you hurried after him.

After piling everything into the passenger seat of his car, he now drove you to a park. You had just spent a whole day shopping and your feet felt like they were about to fall off and Luhan was taking you to a park?

Luhan parked the car and you both got out, him taking your hand and leading you to where there seemed to be a lot of light in the centre of the park. “Uh, where are we going?” you asked hesitantly.


“You’re kidding, right?”




You sighed and followed him. Unbelievably, the rink was just as full of people as the stores. You groaned internally but was secretly happy as it was a dream of yours to one day go ice skating with your boyfriend. Luhan paid for the tickets and the shoes, and you walked to the benches at the sides to put them on.

Luhan laced the skating shoes on easily and was finished before you had even put yours on. “Wah? How are you so fast?”

“I go to these often,” he replied and bent down in front of you.

You narrowed your eyes at him, “With your other girlfriends? How come I didn’t know about this?”

“Because I never had any others, duh,” he chuckled and helped you with your own pair of skates.


“Heh heh,” you laughed menacingly, “Guess what?” you asked Luhan as you stood at the opening to the ice rink.

“What?” He looked at you.

“I’m not like those other girls,” you waved at the other couples, the ones where the boyfriends were leading the girls, “I can actually skate.”

“Huh. Well, I was hoping to do that, but I guess not,” Luhan crossed his arms, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder when he said ‘that’.

“Watch me, I bet I’m better than you,” you smirked and carefully stepped onto the ice. You had been skating ever since you were little and quite good at it now. Luhan chuckled as he watched you show off your spins and tricks in the centre, then skated over.

“I guess you are pretty good,” Luhan laughed and grabbed your hand.

“Ah, finally some acknowledgment!” You stuck your tongue out and skated around him.

“How about we skate together?” he asked, “Even if you did ruin my hope of teaching you how to skate,” he muttered with a frown.

Together hand in hand, you skated with him. Of course, every now and then, you would do a trick followed by him and claps from people who were watching. You’d bow then set off again, laughing as Luhan chased you.

❄ 12 Miracles of Christmas ❄ [EXO Kpop Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now