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You sat on the bench just a few metres away from the row of supermarket checkouts. For some reason, you hadn’t left to go home and do your chores. You just wanted to chill and relax, too lazy to really do anything. Your gaze wandered around again, bored but observant.

A new cashier had just started his shift and you watched with renewed interest. You had already seen about 2 people changing shifts by sitting there for at least 3 hours. Every one of the other staffs bored you with their lack of enthusiasm and you wondered if they even enjoyed their job, but you supposed it wouldn’t be that interesting anyway.

However, this new cashier was more interesting. He would smile and greet the customers, making small talk with them, even with the less happier customers. He would then bow and say goodbye as they left before repeating the whole process again and again.

The longer you watched this guy, the more fascinated you were with his inexhaustible eagerness to serve the customers. His smile never wavered and you couldn’t tear you eyes away from the brightness that seemed to radiate from him. But when you did move your gaze away from his smile, you were dazed by the way he looked.

He was tall with long legs like a model, his brown hair slightly curled at the tips and around his ears. Now those were the most curious ears you had seen. They stuck out quite a bit but you smiled when you saw how well they suited him; his ears almost made him look like a giant elf with the green apron he was wearing.

You decided to say hi to this interesting person. With your hands in your pockets, you walk up to his checkout. He was just saying bye to the last customer, and as they left he stretched. As his sleeves had been rolled up, you saw that he was well muscled – just enough that he looked healthy.

You looked around to make sure no-one else was around and approached him, “Hi,” you greeted. He turned when he heard your voice and you had to crane your head to look at him – he was that tall. You were a mere 160cm, so it was pretty hard for you to see him at eye level compared to his

“Oh, hey,” he replied, and you were pleasantly surprised by his deep voice. It wasn’t so deep that it sounded like an old man or something; just enough that it made you tingle on the inside. “What’s up? Do you need help?” he asked.

“Ah no, not really,” you blinked unsure of what to say. You had just randomly approached this guy for no real reason and you were stuck for words. He was much more handsome on closer inspection and you felt as if your heart had sped up a little. “…I just felt like talking to you.”

He chuckled and leaned against the counter. “Well, nice to meet you! I’m Chanyeol,” he said, holding out a hand to shake. You took his hand and shook it, your own petite hands swallowed up his larger, warmer ones.

You told him your name and he grinned. “I like your name,” he said, and you blush a little. “Let’s be friends!” You nodded and he patted your head. “You’re like a small kitten,” he laughed.

“Eh? Really?” It was the first time someone said you resembled an animal and you were a little embarrassed. “Um, you have a customer.”

Chanyeol turned his head and saw that you were right. “I’ll talk to you after this, okay?” he whispered and went about his work.


As soon as Chanyeol finished his work, he went with you to the park. The two of you had grown a little closer from all the talking you did between the customers he served until the end of his shift, when he went to get changed. After, he came out and you both continued to chat away until you reached the park.

You spotted the playground and headed towards it. “Come! Let’s play on those!” You giggled, running to the swings. He loped after you, catching up easily with his long legs.

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