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I felt his body against mine, heat radiated off him. I kissed his neck without any regret, then his mouth. I felt his beard tickle my face, but I didn't mind. I rolled him over, he was next to me, I opened my eyes and pulled away, he was absolutely gorgeous, I don't know how I never noticed it before, but everything about him was perfect. I wanted to stay here forever, in his bed, in his apartment, but I knew his roommate would be back soon, and I couldn't stay long, so I enjoyed what little time I had left. I kissed him again, and he didn't even seem to notice the worry in my mind, he just wanted to make love to me, so he did. I let him kiss my neck and my face, relaxing and melting into him. I loved him, I knew it, but nobody else did. I know he was going to just let me go after this, never to love again, but I didn't want that, I wanted him, now and forever. Just like that it was over. I lay, helplessly in love with him, wrapped in his sheet, next to his warm body. Then I heard his apartment door open, and we both froze, and exchanged glances.

"I'm home. And man, let me tell you the day I've had." Burr yelled. I rolled off Alex's bed and crawled underneath it, breathing heavily. I heard him roll over too, and saw his feet flying around his room as he tugged on his clothes, then the bed sagged slightly as he fell onto it, breathless. His door cracked open.

"I need some time alone, thanks." I heard him say, his bedroom door closed again. Then he landed on the floor next to me. I was butt naked and cramped under his bed, but I couldn't be happier. I squirmed out from under it and got dressed.
"You are going to have to climb out the window and go down the fire-escape. Do not, and I repeated, DO NOT let anyone see you. I'll be done for if they think I'm sleeping with you."He was beautiful when he swore.

"Well you are." I smirked, his face was serious now.
"Not repetitively, this is a one time thing. I told you that." He seemed almost angry so I backed off.


I watched as Thomas descended the fire-escape. Had I done the right thing? I thought to myself, I was worried now, that sleeping with him had been a mistake. Whatever, I shook my head. This is college, it's my time to be rootless and free willed, Thomas would be back at Yale soon enough and I'd be at Princeton, it'd be okay, I wouldn't see him, nor he see me. We'd be apart until he would come to visit again. Until summer. 

I pranced into the little living room in me and Burr's apartment. We had scored this place in our second year of college together, deciding that it was finally time for him to live apart from his parents. Burr was sipping something in a mug. I raised an eyebrow.

"Coffee?" I glanced at my watch, it was 5:37 p.m. EST.
"No no. Tea- to help with my nerves." He said this shakily. "Coffee will only hurt."

"Right. The big architecture internship job." I smiled at him, he had gone on several interviews for internships, but he didn't want any of them the way he wanted this one. He nodded. "When do you find out?"

"In- in about five minutes. They release it on line. Email." He shrugged, but I could still see the wrinkles on his forehead, and his fingers were tapping his mug. He saw me staring at his and gestured to our tiny little kitchen. "There's more in the kettle- go ahead."
"I don't mind if I do." I said, I took the very few steps it took to get to our stove and poured the leftover tea in a mug. I came back to our small white chair. Burr occupied the couch, and had the light blue quilt wrapped around him. "Ooh- chamomile." I took another sip and it washed down my throat soothingly.


I unlocked the door to James' apartment, I was staying with him while I visited New York. Stuffing the key back in my skinny jean pockets I opened the door and walked in. "James?" I called. Then I saw him, curled up under a mound of blankets on the couch, fast asleep. Used tissues and empty cups littered the floor around him. I instantly snapped into nurse mode, he was sick so often that it was easy for me to care for him. I grabbed a trash bag and picked up every tissue I could find. Then I took all the cups and washed them, knowing he'd need them later. Instead of having him under heaps of blankets, I wrapped him in two, making him snug and warm. He lay, limp in my arms as I put him back on the couch. "I'll be right back bud." I whispered to him.

"Uh." He groaned his understanding. So, just back from a so-called one night stand, I headed back out. I walked into CVS and went straight to the back, grabbing a gallon of orange juice and another liter bottle of sprite. Then I went a few paces to my right and bought a pack of pudding, some ice-cream and yogurt. 

When I got back to James, he was still lying there, hardly moved. I put the food in the fridge and then grabbed my book and curled up at his feet. It was the small novel Alex had written last year, I had read it a few times already, but just couldn't get enough. It was a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, and it had me crying, laughing, and everything in between.


"Come on Thomas! Harder!"I shouted. He kissed me more blissfully. 

I sat up in  bed, panting. It took me a bit before I realized it was a dream, and where I really was. 
"Hey man, you okay?" Burr burst into my room.

"Yeah- thanks Aaron." I breathed.

"You sure? You were screaming 'Thomas you can do better than that- faster-harder.' like fifty times." Burr had a look of amusement on his face.

"Yeah, I'm okay Aaron." I assured him. He walked away, closing my bedroom door behind him."Shit." I said to myself. "Did I like being with him?" I knew the answer, but I also knew what the answer had to be. I couldn't like him, but I did. 

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