By space, by land, by water

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The summer went quickly with the two boys being in love, and fall was right around the corner. Neither one of them wanted Thomas to go back to school, but they both knew it was inevitable. So when the day for him to go back finally reached them, they both said their goodbyes, unaware they'd be seeing each other so soon.


"I have to go now if I'm to catch my flight home."I tried to excuse myself, but I didn't really attempt to get up, because I didn't truly want to leave him.
"So don't catch your flight." Alex whispered to me, kissing me again and again. I tried to detach myself from him but couldn't.

"Alex, you know that I-" I trailed off, losing myself in his eyes. 
"Yuck- get a room you two. I think I'm going to be sick." I heard James say, he shut the door behind him.

"That wouldn't be a shock." I teased, staying intertwined with Alex's body.
"I'll be in my room. Holler when it's time for me to take you to the airport." He walked out of the room, or so I presume. I nuzzled my head into Alex's shoulder.

"I don't want you to leave Thomas." He said.

"I don't want to leave either Al, but I gotta. I'll spend five more minutes." I decided.
"I really don't want you to leave." I heard him get a little choked up, he had tears in his eyes when I looked at him. "Because this past summer has been the best of my life. But only since you have come into my life have I started to really be happy. I have you to thank, and you only. You are my world. I love you." He was crying now, and I turned and hugged him.

"I love you too, and remember, I'll come down for long weekends, and you'll come up for holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I'll come down for breaks and the summer and we'll see each other. I promise." I assured him, petting his arm, I bit my lip and tried not to cry. "Now stop crying, you'll make me cry."

"Okay. Bye." He said.

"James!" I yelled. "Time to go."


It took everything in me not to grab Thomas' hand and force him to stay. To tie him up in my bedroom and never let him leave. It was when we said bye was when I really felt sad. 

"Bye, and may I see you again. Even in my dreams, and even in my wishes." He quoted a movie, the movie we had seen on our first date. 

"That'll be 15.62." The cashier said.
"All I got was a popcorn!" I said, outraged.
"Just let it be." Thomas cooed. He walked after me, carrying the popcorn. I slowed down and he slid his hand into mine

"What's this movie about anyways?" Thomas hissed once we were in the theatre.

"A boy falls in love with the girl and they go up in space together and then they are going into a black hole and he saves her, but he dies for her. It's like the futuristic titanic! It's based off a gorgeous book called  The Black Hole. At the end the boy says'By space, by land and by water, I'll love you forever.' Isn't that sweet?" 

I came back from my flashback, remembering how pissed I had been when at the end he said 'Bye, and may I see you again. Even in my dreams, and even in my wishes.' instead of 'By space, by land and by water, I'll love you forever.' 

I took a deep breath. I wouldn't see Thomas until Thanksgiving, at least he was all I was thankful for.


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