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I felt shaky as I walked out the door. No. Not shaky. I felt like my world had just crumbled to pieces and I was alone, standing on a tiny column made of sand, and if the tiniest bit of wind blows I'll fall down too, forever and ever. And I was also shaky. My brain was numb, but it also felt like somebody had just sliced it open and poured salt in the open wound.  I swallowed, but there was a lump in my throat that wouldn't go away. I didn't know where I was going, and I slipped on my coat. I walked down the stairs, trembling, tears in my eyes. I saw a small dog outside with a pink shirt on, and suddenly, I knew where I was going.


I was slightly unaware of what I had just done. It seemed ridiculous, we didn't actually break up did we? But about thirty minutes after I got a long text from Alex.

Hello Thomas,
I understand that you have made up your mind. This is not a plea for you to come back to me, as I know that you don't want to. I just would like you to know that I will have your stuff ready and outside Burr and I's apartment on Thursday at 11:00. Aaron will be home from 10:30 until noon the day prior for you to return your key. You have his number if you need anything. 
I thought you should no before I do so, but I will be blocking your number, and all your social media accounts. 

I took a shuddering breath. "He-- What did I do?" I felt like a beast. I quickly started texting back.

Alex wait.
I am so sorry for how I acted. I was being a dick to be quite frank. Can you come back here and we can talk it out? I am in a period of grieving and I just am moody. I know you know how that is and I never, ever, should've broken up with you. That was the most idiotic thing I have ever done. Please come back.

I sent it, and before it sent, a message popped up. 'I'm sorry, but the person you are trying to contact has changed their number. Please contact them in a different way.'

I was in shock, and pain, and couldn't really grasp reality, because surely this was a nightmare and I would wake up any minute now. But I never woke up, and soon, this nightmare would get worse.


"This is it." I said to my Uber driver. I thanked him and got out of the car. Then I walked up the stairs to the apartment complex. I slid my finger down the list of names until I found what I was looking for, I rang the doorbell. My common sense blinded by pain, I didn't know at the time how idiotic it was.
"Hello?" A high pitched, gorgeous voice said.

"Hi. It's Alex." My voice was breathy and ragged, nothing like the sweet melody of whoever was on the other side of the intercom. 
"I'll buzz you right in."They said. I heard the door let out a slow beep and I pulled it open, closing it behind me. I waltzed up the stairs, but inside I was crawling, trying to grasp any bit of happiness falling through the cracks. I walked up the first fight and knocked on the door.
"Hi Alex. Are you okay?" Her face was sweet, and she was smiling kindly at me.
"I don't think so Eliza. I don't think so." I said, my shoulders started to shake and tears poured out of my eyes. She led me into her room, frowning.

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