Don't need no Starbucks (Baby; by Justin Beiber)

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Three months later


I was back in New York for break. I didn't have many friends here, but at least I could stay in Madison's apartment. I shivered, though I was wearing two pairs of pants, a heavy coat, gloves, scarf and a hat. I looked very attractive. I stepped into the nearest coffee shop, ready to warm up when my heart stopped. I was in shock. He was there. Reading the newspaper, he looked fine, and he was sipping a hot cappuccino. The froth stuck to his thin mustache and turned it white. His hair was slicked back and then pulled in a pony tail. His coat was hanging over his chair and he was smiling slightly. He didn't even notice me. Part of me wanted to walk out, but another part wanted to go talk to him. That part won. I walked to his table and slid into the chair net to him, he was so engrossed in his newspaper that I had to snap to get his attention. He folded his paper and set it in his lap.
"Hi Thomas." He was trying to keep a straight face. But I knew he was gay. (Get it? Hahaha)
I swallowed. It was hard for me to see him, just able to walk around freely in a coffee shop. I can't believe what happened. Once I had processed it I had called him hundreds of times but he had blocked me.
"Hi Alex." I smiled weakly, I wanted to hug him. To repair the past three months in a kiss.
"Um- what brings you to town?" Said AlexZ it was a kind way of saying 'Wtf are you going in New York?'
"I have a break on school and I wanted to get to packing James' things." I lied. Truth is, there was no reason for me to be in  the big apple.
"Oh. I'm sorry." Alex looked at the floor.
"I swear to god." I shut my mouth real quickly.
"Swear to god what?" Alex asked.
"It's not your fault! You didn't wish for me to have my best friend drop dead!"Everyone's eyes was on me.
"Oi- ye-wel-I-o-yea. I know." He looked like a guppy in the beginning. Opening and closing his mouth several times and emitting little noises and hot breath.
"It was nice seeing you." I stood up.
"Don't go!" Alex said.
"Oh?" I turned my head to look at him.
"We should catch up." Alex offered. "Dinner at Ruby's?" I asked, smiling a genuine smile for the first time in forever.
"Sounds great. I'll have Burr text you my new number." "
"Sounds like a plan."I walked out of that coffee shop, with no coffee, but a huge smile on my face.

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