Let me take you off that cliff your hanging from//this IS an update

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Alex knocked on the door, his stomach queasy. Angelica opened it.
"Alex." Angelica swallowed, she couldn't believe Alex had slept with Eliza. Alex walked into the room, seeing Eliza on the couch. He walked over to her, standing between her and the TV. He crossed his arms.
"Do you min-" She got cut off, Alex slapping the sushi out of her hand.
"How long have you known?" There were tears in his eyes.
Angelica was particularly angry for Alex knocking up her baby sister.
"A month or so."Eliza admitted.
"And you're eating sushi?" Alex demanded, he didn't raise his voice, not wanting to disturb the baby.
"Is that a bad thing?" Eliza shrugged, unsure why Alex was pissed.
"Yes. Sushi is horrible! Do you want our baby to turn out gross and deformed?" Alex couldn't believe her.
"You're upsetting her!" Angelica yelled.
"Angelica, I would kindly ask you to get the hell out." Alex said directly to her. She rolled her eyes and stepped out of the apartment, waiting in the hall. Alex wanted to be in private as he told her his hopes."Eliza." Alex sat down. "I want this baby to be part mine. I would like to share custody."
"You want to keep it?" Eliza asked.
"You don't?"
"I was going to give her up."
"Yea, well, I figure. I hope." Eliza smiled to herself, though she wasn't keeping the baby she needed it to be a girl.
"Well-" Alex took a deep breath. "I would like to keep- her. This might be my one chance getting a child of my own because I'm- I'm gay."
Eliza couldn't believe she had gotten knocked up by a gay man. "Well then you can have her."
"Really?" Alex's hopes rose high.
"Yes. It would be nice for her to be raised by her biological dad and his husband. You and Thomas are getting married right? I can't have the baby go to an unstable home."
"We are." Alex lied. He instantly felt bad for lying to the mother of his child.
"That's good." Eliza spread a fake smile on her lips. She had secretly hoped there was a reason that he wouldn't be able to raise this baby. But she knew it was best for her. "And I have a few requests."
"Whatever it is, I'll say yes." Alex said.
"1. Girl, Angie. Boy, Philip. 2. You have to move before the baby is born. Maybe suburbs of Boston?" Alex nodded. "3. You have to be the best father you can be."
"Of course." Alex smiled at the thought of having a child. Of course, the timing was all wrong. But it didn't matter.
"I believe that if you marry Thomas before the baby is born you'll be a married dad next year."

Thomas' POV

I paced the room before the door beat wide open. Alex was wearing a suit. He quickly ran into the kitchen and came out with a lit candle. He placed it on the table and threw some rose pedals at me. "What is this?" I chuckled.
Alex knelt down. "Thomas? Will you marry me?"
I opened my mouth in shock. "Why?" I couldn't help myself from asking."We- We only ever dated a sum of 6 months."
"I love you and-" Alex stopped himself and smiled at me.
"And...?" I wanted to say yes, but something was off. The urgency of the proposal.
"And... Eliza said I could keep the baby."
"That's great!" I surged with happiness.
"On account that we move to the suburbs of Boston and get married."Alex looked melancholy.
"But I do love you!" Alex stood.
"I know. And I'll marry you. But I can't give up school."
"You won't. I'll move to the Boston suburbs and get a job as a teachers assistant. I'm sure there are some great daycares and you can take late classes and-"
"And ill finally be married with a kid."

I lay in bed next to Alex, he had decided to go to sleep early. Tomorrow we start house hunting/searching. I couldn't believe I'd have to tell Alex I wasn't out of the closet to my family. They didn't even know I was gay and now I was getting married to a man.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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