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"Thomas, I'm sorry, but I cannot be with you." I repeated to myself in an undertone. I had scheduled a coffee with Thomas, to which I was going to tell him it was over. In person, not over text or anything that an asshole would do. I opened the door to the small little coffee shop that I love, Cafe Grumpy, it might be pretty far from my apartment, but it was worth it. I slipped inside and was shocked to see Thomas had beat me there, and I was almost an hour early. He hadn't seen me yet, so I snuck closer to him. I smiled when I saw he was reading my book. Then I cleared my throat. He looked up, and grinned awkwardly at me. My how I loved that lopsided grin. I mean-

"Hi." Thomas interrupted my thoughts. I stared down at him. "Well don't act like a stranger, sit." 
"Okay." I pulled out the chair across from him and sat. "Would you like a coffee?" I asked. "Or a muffin? They have spectacular muffins here. The orange cranberry is to DIE for."  Thomas looked over a menu that was written on the chalkboard on the wall.

"I'll have a caramel cappuccino and I'll take your word for it, an orange cranberry, not muffin, scone." He said, smirking at how awkwardly I stood up. It was took quick, and my chair fell over, but when I leaned to pick it up, I hit my head.


He was an adorable clutz. When he had asked me for coffee, I couldn't have been happier. James, sick as he was, had noted 'Your favorite author.' sarcastically. Little did he know, little did he know. Now, I watched as Alex made his way back to our table with a tray. He set it down.

"I didn't know if you wanted more cream and sugar so I just had them pour an extra cup of cream and I brought sugar packets, but if there's too much in there I can take it back ASAP."He was white in the face as he rushed all this out. I put my hand over his.

"Calm down. It's fine. I like it just the way it is." I tried to make him relax. He sat down in his chair and took a deep breath.

"Sorry Thomas." He apologized.

"Don't apologize, god, don't think you ever need to apologize."I laughed. He nodded and took a sip of his coffee.

"How do you take your coffee, anyways?" I asked.

"It's actually anyway. Not anyways. Grammar Thomas, it's important." He corrected me. "And black." He added.
"Oh. I figured. Did you have some before this or something?" I questioned.

"No. I', just nervous, and when I'm nervous, I'm jittery, and then I talk a lot." He swallowed and his eyes flitted around my face.

"Don't be nervous." I tried to hold in a giggle, but to no avail.

"Thomas I think I love you and I don't really know how to do this whole dating thing bit I want to give it a try."He rushed out.


The look on Thomas' face was priceless when I said that, I only half hoped I hadn't said that. But once the look was gone, I was kicking myself. What happened to breaking it off? I asked myself.

"Um, I'd like to give it a try too." He said, but he looked odd. "But what happened to 'It's never happening again-hardy har har.'?"
"I realized that I like you I guess." I blushed a deep pink and he grinned.

"I'm glad, boyfriend." He reached across the table and picked up his scone, he took a huge bite out of it, and with a full mouth he offered me some. "Want a bite?"

"I'm okay." I held up a hand to stop him from handing it to me but he insisted, saying I'm too small. 

"Wait a minute! Oh my gosh! Aha!" He looked thrilled. I made a quizzical face, and he uickly explained. "You drink coffee black, that's why you are so short." We made eye contact and burst into giggles, unable to stop ourselves.


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