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Taylor begins to stir as she wakes up. She rolls over to come face to face with a slightly snoring Karlie Kloss who was still fast asleep. Taylor watches the gentle rise and fall of the girl's chest for a few moments before gently knocking her shoulder to try and wake her up. For a second Taylor thinks the manoeuvre was successful when the girl hums slightly, but unfortunately Karlie instantly falls back into her deep sleep. The vampire huffs and shuffles herself out of the bed to get ready. As much as she wants to spend the whole day here she had ignored all of Dianna's calls last night and the girl was bound to be worried, and mad of course, but the blonde currently couldn't care less.

Carelessly, she stumbles into the bathroom to see what kind of miracle she could perform. After seeing her reflection, the vampire locks the door behind her and clambers into the shower knocking off a shampoo bottle from the side as she moves. The sound is uncomfortably loud for her current state of tiredness.

Squinting due to her blurred vision, she eventually manages to turn the shower on and shrieks as the ice-cold water hits her back, but she manages to turn up the heat almost instantly.

Meanwhile, Karlie wakes at the sound of running water. Confusion hits but it doesn't take her long to remember last night. Taylor must have gotten in the shower, she thinks. As she rubs her eyes and sits up she glances over at Taylor's buzzing phone. It was an incoming call from Dianna and Karlie groans at the sight, she wasn't about to answer that call so she gets up wearing a vest top and shorts and pads along the laminate flooring into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee for herself and the vampire in her home. Karlie shakes her head and smiles at the strangeness of the situation. She had always thought that there was something different about Taylor, but never did she expect this.

Just after the coffee pot finishes brewing Taylor walks in rubbing her hair with a towel. "Made yourself at home then?" Karlie smirks.

"Well I figured we know enough about each other to be able to use each other's showers by now," Taylor retorts.

"Each other's? Does that mean I can see your house now?" Taylor's cheeky smile becomes serious again.

"I don't know Kar. It's difficult. I'd like have to sneak you in so no one else sees, and then Dianna is a whole other issue..." The blonde's eyes fill with sadness and she looks down at her feet.

"Tay, it doesn't matter. You know you're always welcome here," Karlie pulls in Taylor for a morning hug, "I made coffee if that'll cheer you up." Taylor chuckles and squeezes Karlie just that little bit tighter before letting go. The taller girl pours the vampire a coffee for her to add her own milk and they both sit down at the breakfast bar. A faint buzzing can be heard from the bedroom. "Aren't you going to answer that?" Karlie asks.

"No," she takes a sip form the oversized coffee cup and it grants her the rush of caffeine she needs.

"Won't she be worried?" Karlie chastises herself for thinking how much less complicated her and Taylor's relationship would be without Dianna. At the moment they seem to be left in this weird limbo between friends and lovers.

"Yes, but I can deal with that later. I want to spend this time with you."

Karlie hums, trying to suppress her smile. Taylor seemed to have made up her mind. "What time do you have to leave?"

The girl sighs, "After I finish the coffee probably, but you have to promise I'll see you very soon."

Karlie reaches across the breakfast bar and takes the blonde's hand, "I wouldn't have it any other way. One thing though, Josh is back tonight and I'm not quite ready for you to meet him so we should definitely go out somewhere to avoid him," she laughs. Karlie knows that Josh would try to embarrass her the best he could, and most likely he would succeed.

The girls continue their light-hearted conversation, but unfortunately, coffee can't last forever and soon enough the two girls are embracing each other in a hug at Karlie's front door. Never had they imagined how close they would become from the moment they met and never did Karlie imagine what she would learn when Taylor entered her home yesterday, but they wouldn't change it for the world.

On the cab ride home Taylor is left to her thoughts for a while. It may have been the chill in the air, the song on the radio, or the time she had just spent with Karlie, but whatever it was she got an instant brainwave for a new song. It came to her in full and she scrambles for her phone to write it down in her notes and the lyrics come easily...

Put your lips close to mine

As long as they don't touch

Out of focus, eye to eye

Till the gravity's too much

And I'll do anything you say

If you say it with your hands

And I'd be smart to walk away,

But you're quicksand...

A/N: I had a much better week this time and things seem to be looking slightly better so I did manage to get  this chapter done! I hope you like it and thank you for all your patience and kind words last week, I love you guys! 

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