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As Karlie turns around having walked through the bedroom door, Taylor grabs the girl's shirt collar and pulls her in to connect their lips hastily before pulling away and forcefully pushing Karlie down onto the bed.

The impact of the mattress paired with the unexpected movement from Taylor causes Karlie to sharply exhale.

"Shit, I'm sorry was that too much?" Taylor says with a serious expression that didn't quite match the lust in her eyes, she hadn't intended to push her that hard. She was too caught up in the moment.

"Taylor, shut up and kiss me," Karlie instructs as she pulls Taylor down on top of her. The girl ungracefully lands heavily on top of Karlie, but neither of them mind as they hastily reconnect their lips.

Karlie pulls away to shuffle around and position herself lengthways on the bed as Taylor crawls back on top of her with a hungry look in her eyes. The blue orbs staring her down were dark, lustful, and Karlie is reminded of Taylor's somewhat animalistic traits that had been on display when she had watched her hunt. A pit of nerves forms in her stomach and her throat constricts at the thought.

As Taylor reaches the top of the bed she makes brief eye contact before closing her eyes and crashing her lips down onto Karlie's. The taller girl drags a hand up the vampire's back, digging her nails in as her shirt rides up slightly. The action was sure to have left nail marks.

Almost in sync, Taylor drags a hand up Karlie's side, with her fingers following the curvature of the girl beneath her's body, before dragging it firmly onto Karlie's breast and beginning to palm her girlfriend. Karlie lets out a loud moan at the contact, breaking the kiss. Taylor smirks down at the girl slyly, clearly enjoying the reaction she had received.

Nevertheless, the nervousness encompassing Karlie doesn't subdue. Just as Taylor is about to lean down again the younger girl places a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder to stop her. "Wait, Taylor..." she says, although her voice was quiet and her breathing was heavy.

The equally breathy vampire pauses instantly, her hands stop wandering over Karlie's flesh and a look of concern adorns her face. Her eyes however, were still dark. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you? It's fine if you don't want to, I can wait. There's no rush," she rambles.

"Shhh. No, you did nothing wrong," Karlie comforts as she pulls Taylor into her to keep her there. The older girl had begun pulling herself off her girlfriend. "I... I just... I'm kind of... nervous, Taylor. Can we like... take it slower?"

"Of course we can. We can go at whatever pace you want, babe," she moves a hand up to cup Karlie's face gently, a small, encouraging smile present on her face. The light touch Taylor applies to Karlie's jawline sends a rush through the girl's body. The way Taylor was looking at her in that moment made the girl's heart flutter. "And Kar, please don't be scared. Please don't be nervous. I'm here with you every step of the way. This... this process, the change... it's new to me too. We're in this together, always. You know I would never hurt you, don't you?" The last words remained hanging in the room for a few moments. They were intended as a statement, but had somehow left the songwriter's mouth as a question. Perhaps Karlie was not the only person in the room in need of reassurance.

"I trust you, Taylor Alison Swift. I trust you with my body and most of all my heart. Thank you, for saying those things." Karlie smiles shyly up at Taylor.

"Tell me if I go too fast." With an affirmative nod from Karlie, Taylor once again lowers herself onto Karlie and connects their lips. Her hand was still cupping the younger girl's face. This kiss wasn't hasty or fast, it was slow, romantic. Both girls poured every ounce of love they could muster up into that kiss.

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