"So, I Guess This Is Goodbye Then."

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Taylor wakes in the spare room of her mother's house. It takes her less than a second to feel the throbbing pulse hammering against the front of her head. "Great," she groans sarcastically as she presses down on her forehead with both hands. It does little to relieve the pressure.

Thankfully, someone had left some medication and a glass of water next to her bed and the vampire guzzles down her dosage in no time before deciding on a shower. As she walks down the hall she can hear chattering from downstairs; Selena had stayed over as well and she could hear knives scraping on plates. Her stomach growls in response and the girl realises how hungry she really is. Because of this, she makes her shower quick. However, you could easily argue that she just doesn't want to be left alone with her thoughts for too long.

Whilst getting dressed she realises that she can no longer avoid thinking about the conversations she had to have today. Of course, she had to see Dianna first. Taylor hadn't checked her phone, but almost certainly she has a ton of missed calls from both girls. After all, she had told Dianna that she would be home by midnight. It was 9:19AM.

Pleasantries are exchanged over breakfast as Taylor piles pancakes onto her plate. Her usual banter ensues with her brother. Austin teases her about her hangover whilst making sure to clank as may plates as possible together whilst washing up.

Taylor can't avoid the all-knowing looks she receives from Selena and her mother though.

When Scott and Austin start talking about the farm Selena takes the opportunity to lean closer to Taylor. "When are you going to speak to Dianna then?" she whispers.

The blonde sighs loudly and turns to face her friend. "I should go home in a minute I guess and face her. I just need to grab my phone upstairs really. I'll leave the clothes I wore last night here."

Selena takes hold of Taylor's hand and makes gentle circles with her thumb. "Okay. You have to tell me all about it tomorrow. Just make sure you go straight to Karlie's afterwards, I don't want you chickening out," she chuckles and Taylor smiles slightly as she nods. She can already feel the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.


All too soon Taylor is slowly turning her key to get into her home. The heavy wooden door clicks open and she apprehensively walks in. Evidently, she wasn't as quiet as she had hoped as Dianna walks into the main room from the bedroom. Taylor's throat goes dry as she flounders for her words.

"Don't strain yourself, dear," the green-eyed girl snaps. "Why didn't you answer my calls? Were you at Karlie's all nig-"

"Stop!" Taylor interrupts much more forcefully than intended. Dianna looks stunned. "I don't want to argue right now. I didn't answer your calls because I needed to talk to you in person. I left the concert early and stayed at my mom's house, okay? Now please... just sit down and listen. This isn't going to be easy."

For a moment, it looks like Dianna is going to protest, she stops herself though, when she sees the seriousness of the situation on her partner's face. Taylor looked run down and she was playing with her hands; a nervous tick that Dianna knew well. "Wha... what is it?" Worry was now the overriding emotion.

"What am I thinking?" Taylor asks, now sat facing the girl.

Dianna listens. Usually she would be able to hear what Taylor was thinking whenever she wanted. Instead, there was an eerie silence. Nothing could be heard apart from the rhythmic ticking of the only clock in the room. "I don't know, Taylor." Dianna can feel her heart rate pick up. Something was very wrong. "Why can't I hear your thoughts?" she asks, seeming slightly distressed.

"We aren't partners anymore, Di," Taylor chokes out, not wanting to drag this out for a second longer than needed. They weren't happy together, but that didn't make this any easier. Taylor still loved Dianna a great deal.

"How? How can this happen? Taylor, why?" Tears prick at the girl's eyes. This was a lot to take in.

"We aren't good together. You must know that. All we do is argue. We can't keep each other when we'd be happier with other people. It's not fair. That's why I can't hear your thoughts anymore."

"I... I didn't think this was possible though."

"Me neither, but the same thing actually happened... to my mom when she was my age. That's why I stayed round last night. She explained it all to me. It's rare, but it happens when it needs to happen." Taylor was being surprisingly strong and level headed. She even shocked herself.

"Wow." Dianna drags a hand through her hair, her eyes are wide, "this is a lot to process. Wait, why did you leave the concert early?"

"Uh. That's the thing. I... ran because... I heard Karlie's thoughts." Taylor braces herself for the yelling, but it never comes. When she looks back up Dianna is looking down at the floor. A tear falls off her face and lands on the carpet. Taylor can see her body rise and fall with every deep breath the girl takes before looking back at Taylor.

"Do you think that..." she stammers, "if you hadn't met her... then we'd be fine?" It's a question that Dianna fears she already knows the answer to.

"I don't know, Di. Please don't think about that. You know we would've argued anyway. I promise you that you'll find someone better for you than I ever was. Honestly you will. Trust me. I'm honoured to have known you."

A ghost of a smile flashes onto the green-eyed girl's face. "So, I guess this is goodbye then."

Taylor nods slightly and begins playing with her hands again. "I guess so," her voice is small, soft and gentle. "I'm sorry we couldn't make it work." Taylor fears she is about to cry. In her heart, she knows this is a good thing.

"I love you, Taylor," Dianna sobs as she falls into the girl's arms.

"I love you, too, Dianna."

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! So, how hungover is everyone? 

Have we got any Ed Sheeran fans in the house? I'm so excited for Friday, this year is already better than 2016.

I wanna know where all you guys are from this week! Leave a comment, I'm interested.

Gone.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora