Let Her Fall

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When Taylor walks into her home she isn't at all surprised when she sees Dianna sat up at the breakfast bar, coffee in hand. "Where have you been?" Dianna says, she looks tired. The blonde can hear all of Dianna's angry thoughts and she can feel her blood start to boil.

"At Karlie's if you must know," Taylor snaps back, already anticipating an argument, it was the norm now.

Dianna scoffs and slams her mug down. "I should have guessed..." She says mostly to herself as she finds herself looking away from her partner. "What did you do?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business," Taylor tries to say, but she knows her thoughts are already giving away a lot of the night.

"Baking huh? Romantic. Anything else?"

"Again, it's none of your business, Dianna," Taylor spits and Dianna's eyes widen, clearly not expecting such a strong response. Taylor was normally putty in her hands.

"We're getting fucking married Taylor! I feel like I'm entitled to know if you're cheating on me!" She slams her hand on the table and Taylor takes a step back, she can feel the fire running through her veins and takes a deep breath in as she massages her temple.

"How. Fucking. Dare. You. Accuse me of cheating. Am I not allowed to have friends? Are all of my thoughts only to be of you? I'm engaged to you for fucks sake! Is that not enough?" The words are said with slight guilt however, because suddenly the kiss runs through the blonde's memory. Dianna's words get caught in her throat as she takes a step back. Taylor can see her vision go blurry as tears of anger begin to well up.

"You know, it hurts to be right." The girl's voice is soft and fragile now.


"Oh, don't act like that Taylor," Dianna turns her back on the blonde, "How hard did you have to try to suppress that thought, I wonder? I know you kissed her, you can't keep your thoughts under control, but you know that's not the part that hurts the most. The part that hurts the most is the fact that you just stood there and lied to my face."

"Fuck off, Dianna."

"Excuse me?" The girl turns back to face her partner, shocked at her outburst. "You aren't the innocent one in this. You don't get to use that tone with me."

"Oh, because you aren't to blame at all, right? Maybe if you weren't so angry all the time and maybe if you didn't push me away it wouldn't have fucking happened! I'm so tired of you pinning everything on me in this relationship! You make me fucking miserable, Dianna. Karlie makes me happy! That's why it happened okay? She was a shoulder to cry on after you hurt me, and I'm glad it fucking happened." The words sting, but before Dianna can respond Taylor is already in the bedroom packing a bag.

"Taylor, you can't leave now! Where the fuck do you think you're going?" the girl sounds hysterical now and the tears streaming down her face match Taylor's.

"I don't want to talk now. I'll come back when I come back," she says through gritted teeth.

"Oh alright! Run back to Karlie so you can finish off that kiss! Maybe this time you'll fuck her!" The shorter girl shouts with venom as Taylor slams the door behind herself. For a moment, the blonde stands on the doorstep to take a few deep breaths as the tears show no signs of slowing down. She goes to the only person she can.

As soon as the door is opened she is enveloped in a warm hug and Taylor starts sobbing into her mother's shoulder. "Oh baby, what's happened?" Andrea shuffles her daughter into the house and leads her onto the couch. Once settled, she gently wipes away some of the falling tears with her thumb.

"It's Dianna," Taylor says with a choked voice.

"Tell me everything, baby." Andrea pulls the sobbing girl into her again as they gently rock side to side and Taylor chokes out everything that happened, without holding back.

"Josh!" Karlie exclaims as her best friend walks through the door.

He places his bags down and gestures the girl in for a hug. "Missed you Karls," the roommates smile into the hug and Karlie leads Josh to the couch. "Tell me everything that I missed."

"That's gonna take a while," Karlie can't keep the smile off of her face. "Why don't you tell me about your trip first?"

"Oh my gosh," Josh sighs dramatically and rolls his eyes.

"What!?" She playfully slaps his arm.

"Who's the girl then," he grins and rests his head on his hand as he settles in. "If I'm gonna give you my best advice you can't hold back though..." He winks, which earns him another slap.

"I mean, if you're sure you don't want to go first..." Karlie proceeds to tell Josh the whole story, including meeting Ed Sheeran, which she was still not over, finding out about Dianna, and of course, the kiss. The one thing she doesn't relay however, is the small fact that the girl she has fallen so suddenly for, is in fact, a vampire. For some reason, the brunette doesn't think that part is all that relevant to the story... When she finishes her hour-long speech, Josh is left with a blank, confused expression. "So?" Karlie encourages.

"Hm. Sounds like you really like her then." Karlie nods, "and also sounds like she's engaged..."

"Unhappily," she adds hopefully.

"I feel like I should be telling you to back off, but what's the fun in that? I'm also kinda emotionally invested in you guys after your 40-day long story..." He frowns as Karlie rolls her eyes, "Okay, here's what you do," the brunette leans in, "as much as you like her, she's still engaged, but here me out. You just need to let her make the first move, this has to be her decision, because if this does happen, she has the responsibility of ending a relationship, whether it's unhappy or not, that takes a lot. In the meantime, you just have to be there for her, and as to where to take her on Friday, there's a concert that I saw advertised. I think it was for 'The 1975' so that could be fun?"

The brunette contemplates for a few moments. "I think you're right. I guess it's up to her who she wants in the end. It's just... the kiss really got me thinking that we could be something, and I think she thought it too." Josh hums in agreement. "Where can I book these tickets then? I'll call her tomorrow with the plan."

Josh smiles at Karlie's child-like excitement. It was plainly obvious that his friend was in far too deep, but there was nothing he could to catch her, so he let her fall.

A/N: Okay, so I feel like I can't not talk about I Don't Wanna Live Forever... I am in love with it, and I swear if the rest of her album sounds like that then sign me up! I'm telling you, TS6 is kinky era. 

Anyways, let me know what you thought of the chapter. Kaylor just can't catch a break can they?

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