Dodgy Dial 1

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"Selene! Oh my god have to tell you-"

"Uh ..."

"-This thing that happened to me today, so you know how I was freaking out about my photography assignment? Well I talked to Mr Ryan and he said-"


"-That I could choose any subject for the topic and so I thought-"

"Yo! This isn't Selene"


"My name is Jake; I think you have the wrong number"

"Did you seriously 'yo' me?"

"That's all you got from that? Really?"

"What can I say, I notice things,"

"You notice that, but not the fact I'm not your friend?"


"Yeah 'oh',"

"Stop laughing, it's not funny!"

"Kind of is,"

"Okay, well I'm going to actually go and call Selene now and tell her my news"

"You do that; it was nice talking to you...?"

"I'm Reyna, bye!"


"What an odd conversation..."

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