Dodgy Dial 17

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"If you like Piña Coladas,"

"And getting caught in the rain."

"If you're not into yoga,"

"If you have half a brain."

"If you like making love at midnight in the dunes on the cape,"

"I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me and escape."

"Nice. That was solid mate."

"Thanks, but what bought about the impromptu concert just there?"

"I watched Guardians of the Galaxy with Selene the other day and she's been singing it non-stop and now it's like engrained in my brain."

"Uh I get you. Dave sings the really catchy annoying adds from the radio and it's terrifying how many I remember, yet my study doesn't stick with me."

"Ugh the struggle is real."


"Please tell me you did the little hand movement when you said that."


"I'm so proud. Think I just shed a tear."

"So dramatic,"

"Aren't I always?"

"This is true."

"Ah crap. My phone's about to die. I'll catch you later-"


"Bye Rey,"

"If you like Piña Coladas, and getting caught in the rain."

"Dammit Rey!"

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