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Selena's POV

Its already been 3 months since Mason tried to rape me and for the first time I could let Justin touch me without panicking and pushing him away. Things between us had changed and I was surden it would never go back to the way it was. I told him about what had happened to me 2 years ago and why I was so sad when I heard the news of the release of Austin, mason's brother.

I finally felt like everything was coming back together slowly but stedy and on the right path. I still couldnt believe my ex was capable of being a rapist but i guess brothers think alike after all. Though I knew he was probably mad after I turned to Justin after I found out he cheated.

"Something smells delicious" i hear Justin say as he enters the kitchen where I was cooking breakfast, pancakes. I smiled feeling his arms wrap around my waist even tho I jumped up a little. My body was still trying to get used to his touches again. But it felt right and I knew we could work this out.

"Mmm shouldnt you be working" i asked turning around pecking his sweet lips. A smile forms on his face as he places me on the counter top next to the stove so I could watch the pancakes.

"Naah I wanted to come back to you" he says pressing his lips against mine, butterflies flying all over my stomach. I smile as I cup his face. I couldnt believe we had gotten this far. It felt like heaven and I believed we could go through hell together. But I knew we couldnt stay this way... i knew we couldnt keep pretending everything was perfect because it wasnt and I knew that. This felt like a dream and every dream ends.

"I cant believe you're leaving tomorrow" he says his smile turning to a frown. I could feel his saddness in his voice. I knew he didnt agree with me but I believe it was for the best at the moment.

"Lets not think about tomorrow and lets enjoy the moment we have each other while we're here" i tell him pecking his lips before jumping off the counter and continuing with the pancakes. I could still feel his energy and how upset he was that I was leaving and I was too but we cant ignore problems forever and I really believed leaving from home would be the answer. I needed a break from everything and everyone in this town.

"Their ready" i said putting the plate on the table seeing Justin smile at me. I could easily see through that smile but I didnt say anything. I just wanted to enjoy the moment with him while we were still together. We laughed and talked and made out and made love... everything to enjoy this last time together because soon we would be apart and we wanted to make the most of our time together... sort of a goodbye.

When tomorrow caught us it was time to say the real goodbye. Justin drove me to the airport where I was ready to leave everything behind. even tho it hurt me I just knew inside of me it was for the best. Maybe the future will drag me back here but for now it was time to leave.

"I still cant believe you're leaving me" Justin says as we wait infront of my gate. I had everything with me and I just wanted to get it over with. Staring into his perfect hazel eyes I felt mine fill with tears. I got anxious leaving.

"Hey hey dont cry Sel I love you ok I always will and this is the right thing to do you need this and I'll always be with you in your heart always remember that... this is so fucking hard but Im doing this because I love you" he says cubbing my face tears streaming down his facd.. i could tell he was about to start crying and so we both did. Because this was the most painful thing i had to do.

"I love you Justin and im so sorry and Oh god Im gonna miss you so much" i say almost impossible to understand since I was crying but he understood what I was saying. This was our final moment. It was time to get to the plane...

"Im gonna miss you so much .. ill always remember you" he says pressing his lips on mine for the final time. We kissed for what felt like forever until it broke and I knew this was goodbye. Slowly he let go of me and I started to walk with the others until I couldnt see him anymore and I was taking a seat on the plane.. it was time to leave.

I never forgot Justin after that moment and I never stopped loving him. Even tho i knew there were very little chance he even remembers me... i could never forget our love.

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