Chapter 9,Who is -A.D and (Yvonne ??)

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It had been almost a month since Alison had lost her baby and spencer was just over 5 months pregnant , today the girls were going to look at all the info they had ever collected on their torturers and try to figure out who -A.D is , toby was at work he went back to work 3 and a half weeks ago , he had taken time off to spend it with spencer and started his job as a cop again , Caleb was out of town working and Ezra was busy writing his book ....
Spencer was down stairs with the girls looking through files and toby was upstairs getting ready for work ......
" well it can't be Mona because she's actually dead , wren is in London with your sister apparently "Emily says
" actually I believe him for once , they FaceTimed me last night saying that she wants to Throw me a baby shower in a few months " spencer says making a strawberry milkshake
" spencer you realise you've had like 4 milkshakes this morning " Alison says
" jeez I know Iv been craving them like crazy " spencer says handing the girls their milkshake
Alison smiles and they get on with what they were doing , as they do spencer puts the tv on and flicks through the channels and stops and runs over to it , so do the girls
It was the news channel : it said BREAKING NEWS : "dead girl Mona Vanderwal had been spotted outside of rosewood anyone who has any information on her whereabouts now should contact the police department "
" no frickin way " aria says
" monas alive " Alison says
" no the first time she was faking but I saw her I saw her body she's dead " Hanna says
" well obviously not Hanna " Emily says
Spencer was dialling Toby's number,
" hey toby is it true is Mona alive " spencer says
" were not 100% sure yet but yea its true I was just about to ring you "toby says
"How is that even possibly " spencer says stressed
" I don't know , spence please chill don't get stressed " toby says
" I know I'm sorry text me when your on your way home , bump and I love you " spencer says laughing
" love you both two " toby says hanging up the phone
" so it's true " spencer says putting her phone on the counter
Just As she does Spencer's phone beeps ,
It says " spencer its Mona , I'm in a lot of trouble and need your help meet me at lost woods at 10pm !! "
all the girls were huddled together reading mona's text
Hanna grabs her phone and types "we'll be there but you've got some serious explaining to do!!"
" Hanna why did you just do that " Alison asks
" because maybe she can help us find -A.D you know how good she is at following and tracking people she can work with Caleb " Hanna says
" good idea " Emily says
" I'm starving can we get takeout " spencer says " yep sure I'll go get it " Aria says
" it's ok I'll get it delivered " spencer says
" No don't be silly I'll go get it I need to stop by Ezra's anyway " aria says
" ok , don't tell him about Mona yet not until we've seen her in person " Hanna says
" ok whatever you say " aria says running out the door
" is it me or is she acting weird " spencer says
" very weird " Alison says
The girls eat dinner and sit around the table talking
" what are you going to say to toby " Emily asks
" the truth " spencer says
" I don't think that's such a good"Alison says
" why not " spencer says
" he's a cop , cops never keep secrets they just use you for information " Alison says
" Its not Toby's fault that Mona's alive he wouldn't go behind my back he's my husband for god sake , you know Ali I though you'd changed that after everything that happened you were a different person but I guess not " spencer says storming off upstairs
Aria and Hanna followed her upstairs and found her sat on the bed crying
" spence are you ok " aria says running in and sitting next to her
" im fine it's just I thought Alison had finally understood than toby isn't the bad guy she hates his guts and I just don't understand why" spencer says with her hand on her stomach
" she doesn't hate him she's just looking out for you and the baby that's all she cares about you" Hanna says
Emily comes upstairs and goes into the bedroom
" Ali's upset down stairs she said she didn't mean to say what she said and she really is sorry spence " Emily says
" Mona's only been back in contact with us for 5 minuets and look what she's doing already , she's trying to split you up she's frickin crazy aria says
" your right " spencer walks down on downstairs and hugs alison ..
" I'm so sorry Ali" spencer says
" no I'm sorry spence " alison says
" I promise I won't let mona spilt us up again , my hormones are all over the place and it just made me snap "
Alison smiles at spencer
" it's 9:45 pm we should get going to meet Mona " Emily says
" if it's actually her " Hanna says
" yea if " Emily says
Spencer smiles
" why don't you call toby and tell him we're we are going " Alison says
Spencer starts giggling
" what are you laughing at " Emily says
" every time anyone says toby or daddy the baby kicks " spencer says
The girls smile at her and she calls toby
" hey baby " toby says picking up the phone
" hey , I just rang to tell you , please please don't be mad but we're going to meet Mona she texted us earlier " spencer says
" what , spencer no it's dangerous please don't go near her " Toby says
" I'll be fine honestly the girls will look after me" spencer says
" fine just be safe ok I'm coming home , were are you meeting her " toby asks
" the lost woods " spencer says
" ok I'll wait around the corner just to make sure your safe ok " toby says
" no toby please don't if she sees you she won't tell us anything ,  I need to go we're going to be late I love you  " spencer says
" ok just text me when your on your way home please , love you too bye "toby says
" wow he really does protect you and that baby doesn't he " aria says
Spencer nods and smiles and they all put their coats on get into Emily's car to drive to the forest
" where's Mona " Hanna whispers
" I don't know " spencer says
" just stay here this is were we arranged to meet "
They hear rustling in the bushes and Mona pops up from behind a tree
" What the hell Mona " Emily says jumping
" well I never it's actually you " Alison says
" yep now get over here " Mona says sarkily
" so why did you and us to meet you and why the he'll aren't you dead " Hanna says
" jee nice " Mona says
" well come on you've got some explaining to do " aria says
" ok well the headless person you though was me was a dummy with a mask on , -A.D forced me to do it or she said she would kill spencer, you guys and anyone who got in the way of her and toby " Mona says
"Did you just say she " spencer says
" yes and I can see you've changed so I'm guessing it's Toby's "Mona says looking down at Spencer's stomach
"Well who's the she , and yes the baby's Toby's" spencer says placing her hand on her stomach feeling another kick
" well Iv been following her and The she spencer is Yvonne " Mona says looking over at her
" w..wh....what " spencer says looking like she was about to pass out
Aria stud next to spencer to hold her up just Incase she did , spencer was now completey in shock and looked absolutely horrified
" how the heel is it Yvonne newsflash she's dead Mona " Alison says
" I thought you'd say that so I brought proof " Mona says handing her photos
" do you know where she is "Emily says
" I know a few places where she has been going I'll show them you tomorrow " Mona says walking off through the bushes
" Mona wait " Hanna screams
" shhh quiet Hanna , what " Mona snaps
" where shall we meet you tomorrow and what's in it for us " Hanna asks
" the kissing rock and i can help you find out where Yvonne is and what the hell shes plotting , I bet it's something big , so tomorrow 9pm at the kissing rock then I'll drive us to the lost woods resort Iv rented a room to sprite my info , don't be late " mona says disappearing into the darkness........
Spencer didn't say a word the whole way home she was still in shock she couldn't believe Yvonne was alive , she had a gut feeling that she was plotting something evil and couldn't get the though out of her head , a tear slipped down her cheek
" spence what's wrong " aria says stroking her arm
She looks down and says " I was finally happy ,me and toby had finally got each other and are starting our family but once again -A/-A.D ruins our lives again "
" look spencer were not going to let her drag us down again , and you know full well toby that no matter how much she tries to split you and toby up it will never work because he adores you and you adore him " Emily says smiling over at her
Spencer nods , A couple of minuets later the girls arrive at Spencer's they drop her off and Emily drops the aria and Hanna off  at their houses .....
" spence I was worried sick Iv been ringing and texting you " he says walking over to her
" sorry my phone dyed " she says wiping another tear off her cheek
" baby what's wrong " he says squeezing her tightly
" y ... Yvonne's alive " spencer says breaking into floods of tears
" wait what " toby says
" she's alive " spencer says handing him the photos
Toby looked at the photos angrily
" I understand If you still love her and want her instead of me " spencer says walking over to the couch and sitting down
Toby puts the pictures on the counter and follows her to the couch
" spencer please tell me that's not what you think , wether Yvonne's  alive or dead it doesn't change the fact that I don't love her and I never will she's my past your my present , spencer I can't make you believe how much I love you and our baby " toby says gently rubbing her belly " in fact I don't think Iv ever been this happy about something all Iv ever wanted is a family with you spence , all I ever think about is the baby , what it looks like , how big it's little fingers and toes are , in fact " toby says pulling somethings out of a bag
Spencer gives him the happiest smile and kisses him
" I think the baby likes it when we kiss , he/she kicks every time " spencer says kissing him again " and I love them " she says smiling at the  two baby vests that said " I ❤️ mommy and the other one I❤️Daddy , the blue and pink socks and the blue and pink blankets that had a pig and an elephant on in the corner
They spend the whole night talking about the baby and what names they were going to decide on ......

End of chapter 😀😀-M

It's the longest chapter Iv ever done ( sorry it's so longggg) 😂

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