Part 20, Welcome to the world!

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It was 4 am , Spencer's contractions had gotten worse and 4 other women had been in the room and out to have their baby's before spencer
" toby " spencer says breathlessly" please  go get the midwife I think the baby's coming , I need to push" spencer screams
Toby runs to get her and comes back in with her
The midwife checks her and says"  well spencer your 10 centimetres dilated are you ready to have your baby "
Spencer nods
A nurse and a doctor come in and help wheel spencer down to the delivery room were after about 20 minuets of pushing they heard a loud cry and their daughter was finally in their arms
Both spencer and toby were crying tears of happiness , staring at the little baby that was in Spencer's arms
After a few minuets they took spencer back to her room and asked what they would like to name her
" can we have a second to discuss it please " spencer says
" of course mrs cavanaugh take all the time you want I'll come back in a little while " the midwife says
Toby was still speechless but managed to get words out
" so what are we naming her Spence " he says
" well Iv been thinking and I know how much you love the name Elena after my grandmother but ever since we found out it was a girl Iv had this name in my head whether we use it as a middle or first name , Marion " spencer says smiling at toby
Toby smiles as tears stroll down his cheeks
" Spence I love it " toby says
" so which way round do you want to do it Marion Elena or Elena Marion " spencer says
" I'm honestly not bothered their both beautiful" toby says
" me either " spencer says , as she does the girls , Melissa , Spencer's parents and Toby's dad walk into the room with giant teddy bears , balloons , cards and flowers
" omg that's a lot of balloons " spencer says laughing
" we might of gone a little over the top " Hanna says laughing
" aww she's gorgeous " aria says and so do Hanna, Emily and Alison and everyone else crowding around her
" what are you naming her " Melissa asks
" we've been deciding between 2 names , Marion Elena or Elena Marion " toby says looking at his father who couldn't believe the names they had just said
"We really can't decide , were going to take a vote " spencer says as she goes round everyone asking which they preferred
Most of them chose Elena Marion because they though it sounded better than Marion Elena
" Elena it is then " spencer  says
" welcome to the world Elena Marion Cavanaugh " they all say
Everyone stayed with spencer for a while and tobys dad and Spencer's parents held the baby , then left so spencer could get some rest ( well everyone but toby ) spencer had fallen asleep and toby had a hold of Marion rocking her to sleep
A few hours later ....spencer had woken up and the midwife had come in to check on her and the baby ,
Elena had been crying for a a minuet or two and they didn't know why
" she might be hungry , would you like to try breastfeeding her spencer " the midwife says
Spencer nods as she unbuttons her pajama shirt , the midwife takes the baby out of her cot that was next to the bed and places her on Spencer's chest so she could feed
" wow she's very clever it usually takes a lot of persuading for them to feed but she's got the hang of it straight away  " the midwife says stepping back from the bed to get Spencer's file
" so did you decide on the name " she asks
" we did , Elena Marion cavanaugh " toby says smiling at spencer who was gazing down at Elena
" aww that's a beautiful name , congratulations to you both " she says
" thank you " toby says smiling
She smiles and looks over at spencer and says " In a couple of hours she'll probably need changing after being fed but don't worry what it looks like it's perfectly normal " she says
" ok thank you very much " spencer says
" my pleasure and lastly is there anything I can get you spencer " the midwife asks
" I'm ok thank you " spencer says
" ok then I'll see you later on " she says leaving the room
" I still can't believe it tobes " spencer says happily staring at her daughter , stroking the side of her face
" I know I don't think Iv ever felt so happy yet scared " toby says
" why scared Toby's " spencer says
" because from now on everything I do matters" toby says
"Toby " spencer says smiling as she burps Elena and passes her to him  whilst she buttons her shirt up
"Hopefully we'll be able to go home soon , we can give her a tour of the house " spencer says smiling
" we can I'm sure she'd love it , hey babe how are you feeling" toby says
" ok , tired and sore but I'm honestly fine " spencer says as she does Marion opens her eyes and looks over to spencer
"Toby did you see that " spencer says
" I did , she loves her mommy " toby says passing Elena back to spencer
" and she loves her daddy " she says smiling at toby
Toby smiles back and says " I'll go and speak to the girls and our parents " toby says leaning over spencer and kissing her
" ok babe " spencer says kissing him back
Toby goes outside and speaks to them all
" hey girls " toby says
" hi toby how is she " Emily  says
" she's fine just tired and sore " toby says
" I bet she is " Hanna says
" we'res my dad and Spencer's parents " toby asks
" they went to get coffee " aria says
" can we go in to see her again " Alison says
" sure she'd love to see you again " toby says
The girls and toby go into spencer and sit around her bed
" I honestly can't believe how gorgeous she is " Alison says
Spencer smiles and says " would you like to hold her "
Alison nods and walks over to spencer and takes Elena off her and holds her for a few minuets then passes her round to the others aria was the last one to hold her when she did she started crying
" oh she probably wants changing " spencer says lifting the bed sheet up and struggling out of bed
" Spence I'll change her " toby says
" no I'm fine we'll both do it " spencer says
Toby takes Elena from aria and spencer puts her changing mat on her hospital bed , toby carefully places her down and they both change her then put her in the glass cot next to them so she could go to sleep and toby helps spencer back into bed
" so how big wash she " Emily asks
" 7lbs 8oz " spencer says
" wow she does look 7 pounds " aria says
" I know I'd love to know how she's 7 because she's so tiny " spencer says

The girls and spencer and Toby's family went home for the night and spencer and Toby went to sleep ....
The next day::::///
It was 7pm ,
Spencer, toby and Elena were allowed to go home tonight and were packing up their things from the hospital room
Spencers midwife had been in to see them and said that she would be coming to check on spencer and how the baby was doing every day for the next couple of weeks and wished then luck with their new lives as parents
" I think that's it " toby says to spencer
" did you bring car seat up out of the car " spencer asks
" yep it's next to the chair " toby says
Spencer goes over to get it and puts it on the bed
Toby was putting Elena a hat and baby grow on whilst spencer checked the bathroom for any of her things
Toby gently places Elena in her chair , straps her in and puts a blanket over her
Spencer comes out of the bathroom and says "we ready robes "
" yep we sure are I'll get the bags and you can get Elena " toby says smiling at spencer
They go out to the car and get in , spencer sits in the back with Elena and toby drives
At home :::://///
Spencer and toby arrive home and take Elenas bags into her nursery and spencer takes her out of her seat and cradles her in her arms showing her around the house , she showed her the living room , the kitchen , her and Toby's room , the bathroom , the spare bedroom and finally her bedroom , were she was put in her cot and fell fast asleep , spencer was tired too and so was Toby so they both had a quick bath and went to bed
They were woken up almost every hour of the night with Elena crying but they expected it as it was her first night at home and she was only a day old .......

Another pic of spobys baby:::::

End of chapter -M xox Feel free to Comment opinions below!!! 😀

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End of chapter -M xox
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