Chapter 17 , RESCUED!!!!

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"Hi guys , just wanted to let you know that I'm going to change the ending of how the girls are rescued( Mona isn't in the well she's with the girls ) and also that there are 2 baddys " now on with story

The girls had been in the dollhouse for over 2 weeks now and were getting mighty fed up of A.D playing tricks...
It was 8 pm , The girls were locked in their rooms getting changed for the dance and Mona was preparing for the huge trick they all had up their sleeves........
The dance;
All four girls and Mona walked down the stairs into the basement were the dance was being held , there was music playing , disco lights flashing and life size wax dolls everywhere , they stood in between the dolls waiting for A.D to appear ,
" am I the only one who has goose bumps " aria says
" no your not the only one " Hanna says looking around for A.D
"You ok Spence " Emily asks looking at her funny
" yea why " spencer says
" no you just dont look over clever " Emily says
" for one I'm missing toby and worried sick Yvonne is going to do something to him , and I can't breathe in this dress " spencer says with a hand on her hip
The girls laugh as they hear a noise
" We know your there Yvonne , show yourself " Hanna says
Yvonne steps forward from behind a doll , she was wearing a long sequin dress that was mint green and a matching mask which covered her face
Mona had hold of the camera and says " you should be up here Yvonne this is what you want isn't it "
" this is your prom Yvonne " Hanna says
Aria signals Mona do hand her the camera as Yvonne steps closer to them
" wait for it" spencer says nervously as Yvonne edges even closer " now " she whispers
Aria clicks the camera and all the lights and power fuses , the girls make a run for it
They run down the hallway looking for an escape route
" please slow down " spencer says waddling behind them
" we don't have time to slow come here " Emily says grabbing her hand
They carry on running down the windy hallways until they reach the silo , they prise the doors open and run outside
" OMG " Emily says
" were still trapped " Hanna says
" we can climb it , lets go " Emily says charging towards the fence
Lights flicker on and spencer notices the signs that say " danger 10,000 volts " and " danger electric fence "
" STOP!" Spencer screams
The girls look puzzled for a moment but then notice the signs , all of a sudden music starts playing , they could believe some of the words in the song were don't fence me in , A.D had known their plan all along
" the bitch " Hanna says
Toby had been working with the rosewood PD and Caleb . Alison and Ezra ( because ali was back in town after she heard what happend) non stop since the girls went missing , they had had no leads until today , they found security camera footage of the girls in the dollhouse
" do we know we're this is " Ezra says
" working on it " Caleb says
"Can you hurry up " Ezra snaps
" man chill he's going as fast as he can " toby says
" yes " Caleb screams
" did you find it " Ezra says
" yes let's go now " Caleb says grabbing his jacket
" I'll get backup and meet you there " toby says legging it out of the door
4 hours later::::::
All the girls were weak , tired and cold
" I'm so hungry " aria says
" me too " spencer says
" how long can you go without eating and drinking " Hanna says
" food about a week but water some people can only do a few days and it's gonna be worse for you spence  " Emily says
" A.Ds going to leave us to die out here " Hanna says
" Hanna don't talk like that " Emily says
" yea but that's if hypothermia doesn't get us first " aria says
Mona was set next to Hanna looking at spencer who looked as if she was about to cry , rubbing her bump and spencer never cries infront of anyone
"So is it a boy or girl " Mona says
" girl " spencer says smiling at her
Mona smiles back and says " I bet you'll be a great mother spencer , and how far along are you , because your huge " Mona says laughing
She smiles and says " gee thanks and laughs again then says " I'm 7 months 2 weeks and 5 days " and rubs her bump
" that explains it " she says laughing once again
The girls were just beginning to feel a little happy because everyone was getting along , that was until it started raining
All the girls huddled together and held a jacket over their heads by morning they were soaked ,
Mona woke up first and saw that the doors had opened and woke the other girls up , they walked back inside and a voice told them to go to their rooms , they were locked inside for hours and were given food and water through the letter box at the bottom of each door
Later that day ::::::::
The girls had just been discovered the cinema room and were looking around , they saw that A.D was watching them , set fire to a doll and threw it in the baby dolls cot that was in there , they saw a light at the back of the drawers that we're pressed against the wall
" girls look " spencer says as she walks over to the drawers and tries pushing them sideways
" let us do that your going to hurt yourself " Emily says
" em I'm pregnant not disabled " spencer says laughing
" yea but your really pregnant , move we'll do it" Hanna says
Meanwhile:::::::the guys and Ali ,
"What's that burning smell and we'res the smoke coming from " alison says
They walk deeper into the woods to see
" look it's coming from the floor " Caleb says diving at the floor , were there was a vent that had steam coming out of it
" something's burning " Ali says
" hang on hang on " Ezra says running
" what " Caleb says
" I see something " Ezra says
" what , what do you see " Alison says
" call toby tell him to hurry with back up " Ezra says

The girls help her move the drawers and see a light and open a door which leads to a ladder , aria climbs up it and shouts for help
" HELP!!! HELP !! " aria shouts
"Aria " Ezra shouts
The smoke was making the girls cough , they were all stood behind aria
" omg Hanna " Caleb says as he yanks the bushes out of the ground that were blocking the doors
" come on " Alison says as they all yank the doors open
The girls go running out , Hanna runs over to Caleb and kisses him , aria does the same to Ezra and Emily runs over to Alison
Mona and spencer stand near a tree awkwardly
Toby runs in with half of the police force
" spencer " he screams as she runs towards him and swings her arms around him
" oh your ok , thank god , but the baby is she ok" toby says not letting go of spencer but stroking her stomach
" yea she's fine , happily kicking away " spencer says smiling , as she smashes her lips against Toby's
The girls had outsmarted yvonne , she had collapsed in the smoke and woke up to the police dragging her out in handcuffs
"I'll get you bitches for this " she screams as " oh and by the way Marco isn't who you think he is and I'll be back ,I'll be back to get spencer and that baby of yours" she screams at toby as she gets put into a police car
Toby was holding spencer tightly , he turns around looks at his boss
" Marcos the leader " tanner ( his boss ) says finally twigging what he's been up to
Marco came walking around the corner asking what had happened
" detective furey , could you please surrender your gun and badge " tanner says
" ok , what's going on here " he says putting his gun and badge on the floor
Tanner signals to other cops to get him and says " Marco furey your under arrest for kidnapping , torture , possible murder and hostage anything you say can and will be held against you In a court of law " tanner says
Marco looks angrier than ever as he gets put into the same police car as Yvonne and drives away
All the girls were still crying tears of happiness
" it's over Spence " toby says hugging her
" yea it's over, I was so scared I was gonna be kept in there until I'd had her " she says rubbing her bump
" I'm so glad your both ok " toby says putting his hand on top of Spencer's
The guys and girls get taken to hospital and get checked out , they have to stay in for a night and are allowed to go home , they could finally be left in piece and get on with their -A free lives
At the hospital ........
Spencer was in bed and had had a heart monitor but on her belly to monitor the baby's heartbeat ( it was 2 discs that detect the baby's heart beat and movements which were on her belly and fastened down with a blue and a pink elastic band around her belly which was hooked up to a machine showing the baby's heart rate on screen
All 3 girls ( hanna , Emily and aria ) came into the room to see if she was ok
" hey Spence are you both ok " Emily says as they walk into the room ( meaning her and the baby )
"We're fine " she says smiling
" what's that for " hanna says pointing to the belt
" yeh is everything ok with the baby " aria says
"She's fine ... it's a heart monitor belt they've put it on to monitor her to make sure everything's ok , they said there keeping me in for the next 24 hours to monitor the baby , but she's absolutely fine luckily " Spencer says smiling " she doesn't like these though ... she's kicking like crazy " Spencer says laughing
They all laugh
They talk for a while and then all try and get some sleep in their rooms !!
End of chapter -M xox

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