Part 21 , 1 month old and early

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Elena was just over a month old and Alison was 8 months pregnant the girls were all at Spencer's talking and cuddling Elena , Toby , Caleb and Ezra were going to have a guy day and were coming to their house later on and Spencer, Hanna , aria , Emily and Ali were having a girl day and a sleep over .........
" I honesty cannot believe how cute she is " Hanna says
Spencer smiles gazing down at her daughter in her arms
" I still can't believe it's been a month " spencer says
" I know it's flown by " Emily says smiling at baby Elena
" she's still so tiny " aria says taking in a baby voice playing with Elenas toes
" not long now Ali " spencer says smiling at her
" I know I'm so excited " Ali says
" us to we can't wait to meet our other little niece" Hanna says
" what time are you girls going out " toby asks spencer
" were not sure if we're going to go out or stay in and watch chick flick films and eat junk " spencer says laughing
" oh sounds fun " toby says
" what are you Caleb and Ezra doing " Emily asks
" were just gonna go over to Hanna and Calebs and have a few beers and watch the game " toby says
Emily smiles and says " ugh boys and hockey " and laughs
Caleb and Ezra arrive and chat to the girls for abit and go off out and the girls go for a walk and go to the brew for lunch , the girls go in and order
"Coffee for you Spence " Emily says
" oh no I can't I'm breastfeeding , I'll have a decaf please "she says playing with Elenas toes
" oops forgot " Emily says laughing
" hey girls I'm just gonna nip to the cash machine " spencer says
" ok , I'll come with you " Hanna says
Spencer puts Elena back in her car seat and leaves the push chair at the brew and walks around the corner with Hanna to the ATM
As she does she bumps into wren
" oh um spencer , Hanna " he says in his British accent looking awkwardly at them and Elena
" wren , hi what are you doing back in town " spencer asks looking at him
" oh um I'm back working at rosewood general" he says smiling at her
" oh right "spencer says
" you you've got a baby and your married  " he says looking at Elena and Spencer's wedding and Engagement ring
" yea this is Elena and yea I'm married to toby " she says
Hanna was stood awkwardly next to spencer looking down at the floor
" aww " he says smiling and looking at Elena "  " is that the carpenter " wren asks
" yea it is , anyway I should get going " spencer says
" I'll see you around " wren says walking off
The girls go to the cash machine and Back to the brew
" what took you so long we were getting worried " aria says
" ugh we bumped into wren " spencer says
" god it was so awkward " Hanna says sitting down next to Ali
" I ordered us all tuna melts " Ali says
"Ok " spencer says smiling at her
The girls eat lunch and go home .....
Spencer fed Elena and put her down for a nap and watched films with the girls , they watched Mother's Day , barely lethal and pitch perfect 1 and 2 and stuffed their faces with popcorn
A couple of hours later :::::
The guys had just arrived home pretty drunk , except for toby who hadn't gotten drunk because of elena ...
" hey babe " toby says walking over to spencer and kissing her
And Caleb and Ezra stumble over to aria and Hanna
" hey tobes ". She says kissing him back
" ugh Caleb you stink like beer " Hanna says holding her nose moving his head away from hers
" hmmm you seem sober " spencer says laughing kissing toby again
" yea well I'v got you and Elena to take care of not the other way round " toby says laughing kissing her again as he does Elena starts crying
" oh she probably wants changing " spencer says stepping forward
Toby pulls her back and says " I got it babe"and walks upstairs
Hanna and Caleb were on top of each other on the couch kissing
" eww guys break it up " Ali says
Caleb gets off Hanna and sits next to her looking embarrassed
Ali goes upstairs to the bathroom and toby comes down stairs carrying Elena
" she's been changed but I think she wants her mommy " toby says smiling handing Elena to spencer
" hi baby what's wrong " spencer says taking her off toby and talking in a childish voice smiling down at her daughter and stroking her head
" aww bless her " Emily says
" I think she's hungry " spencer says
She places Elenas mat on the kitchen counter and puts Elena down for a second whilst she unbuttons her shirt , then feeds Elena
As spencer is feeding her  all the girls phones beep
" oh no " hanna says taking her phone out of her purse
Spencer pics hers up off the counter being careful not to disturb Elena and looks
Spencer looks as though she's about to faint as she begins to cry and drops her phone
" OMG " aria Hanna and Emily say with Caleb and Ezra reading the message over their shoulders
" babe what " toby says picking her phone up and reading -A's text which read :::::::
"Well , Well bitch has a baby , and you though I was gone , if I was you I'd watch your back , Elenas mine soon many kisses -A "
" -A , -A's back and it says it's taking Elena" spencer says practically frozen
The girls all rush over to her , Ezra Caleb and toby were looking angrier than ever
" listen girls no one is doing anything to any of you or the baby " Caleb says more sober now
" Calebs right he/she / it wouldn't dare touch any of you not whilst where around " toby says
Spencer nods and stops crying , she places Elena back on the counter and buttons her top back up
" guys come quick " Ali screams
The guys and girls rush upstairs to Alison bent over double on the floor
Emily runs to her and bends down
" Ali what's wrong" Emily says noticing the water on the floor
" my waters broken the baby's coming " Ali says
" what your a month  early " aria, spencer  and Hanna say
" I'll ring the paramedics " toby says rushing to get his phone
A few minuets later he comes back and says "their on their way "
" tobes take Elena " Spencer says passing her to toby gently
" come on let's get you down stairs " Hanna says
Spencer Hanna Emily and aria help Ali down the stairs and sit her on the couch
" Ali how far apart are the contactions "'Ezra says
" umm I'm not sure maybe about 6 minuets " she says breathlessly
" ok that's not too bad you'll make it to the hospital in time don't worry " Ezra says
" grr toby are they on their way " Ali says
" yea their coming I can hear the sirens now " toby says
A few minuets later the paramedics come and take Ali and Emily to the hospital and the girls follow on in Spencer and Hanna's cars
At the hospital ::::::
It had been 3 hours since Ali had been admitted and she had just had her baby girl
All the girls go in to see her and spencer takes Elena to meet her
" hi " they all say quietly walking over to Ali , em and the baby
" oh she's gorgeous " aria says
Alison smiles
Spencer crouches down next to Ali and shows the baby Elena
They smile at each other when Elena starts giggling and Spencer goes out for a minuet to let toby see her first laugh and then goes back into the girls
All the girls awww at the both of them and sit on the chairs around the bed
" so what are you naming her " Hanna asks
" Jessica after my mom " Ali says
" and what about her middle name " spencer says
" Pam , Jessica dilaurnetis fields " Ali says smiling at all of them
" aww that's an amazing name " aria says
" I can't believe how big she is compared to Elena " Emily says
" I know Elena's so tiny " spencer says
" I'm kinda glad she's not really tiny , I might not drop her easily " Ali says laughing
" I know the feeling when I first took Elena home I was petrified I was going to drop her , its any wonder she's got bones left I squeezed her that tight "spencer says laughing back
The girls stay for a little while she then go home to their houses ......
At home ::::::
" I can't believe how big Jessica is " toby says says
" I know ,the doctors said their going to have to monitor her as she shouldn't be that big after being born a month early " spencer says
They were both sat on the floor of the nursery playing with Elena when she began to giggle again
Spencer has the biggest smile ever on her face
" I love you spencer cavanaugh so much" Toby says
" I love you too tobes "spencer says as she kisses him

They finish playing with Elena , change her and put her to bed before going to bed themselves.....

End of chapter xox -M

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