Chapter One

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Neither of them were usually this brazen, this confident. But with large quantities of alcohol running through your system anything can happen right? The undeniable attraction between the two of them caused them to stumble into a bathroom at the party they were both attending and soon after Taylor Swift was pressed against the wall with her legs wrapped around Adam Wiles' waist experiencing the most mind blowing orgasm of her life.

Adams friend Charlie had always told him 'you never kiss her' when talking about his own experiences like this. But Adam just couldn't help himself. There was something about this girl that was just so inviting that he had to kiss her. When he did, the sparks that flew were wildly overwhelming.

When they were finished, they each adjusted their clothing and returned to their friends and acted if nothing had happened.

3 years, 6 months later

"Martha," Taylor whispered into the phone, "Is there any chance you could pick up Daisy? There is no way I can get out of work on time to get her. I probably shouldn't even be on the phone right now, you know how Jackie gets when I make personal phone calls at work!"

"I can't," Martha replied, "I'm out of the city and probably won't be back until later. Have you tried Karlie?"

"Yeah," Taylor sighed, "Josh is in town so her phone is switched off. Thanks anyway Martha, I'll think of a plan. I love you."

"I love you too Tay," Martha said "And you should leave that job. You're so much better than that place, Taylor."

"I know," Taylor said "But I have Daisy to think about."

The call ended and Taylor shot off a quick text to Daisy's preschool, letting them know that she'll be late, again, and walked out of the bathroom.

"Shit." Taylor muttered at yet another cab flew past her. A torrential down had just come out of nowhere meaning that a cab was hard to come by. Taylor bit her lip as she saw the time in a store across the road. It was 5:30pm and even if she ran for it she would still be late. She was already running 30 minutes late and Daisy's preschool was due to close at 5:30. Daisy had only been attending the preschool for a little over a month and was the most prestigious preschool in New York and stretched Taylor's budget to the max, meaning that she had been eating ramen noodles for the past month since Daisy started attending there. Taylor didn't care though, she would do whatever it takes to make sure that Daisy always got the best.

It was the third time this week that Taylor was late to pick up her daughter. She feared that the school was take away her place. Taylor put her head down and made a mad dash towards the school, her eagerness to get there as quickly as she could meant that she didn't see the man stepping out onto the sidewalk and ran straight into him. Despite the mans strong stature, both of them went tumbling onto the wet pavement.

"Oh god!" Taylor exclaimed, "I'm in such a rush and I should have been looking where I was going."

The man stood up from the floor and held his hand out for her, she took his hand and let him help her to her feet.

"It's okay," the taller man replied, his right hand not letting go of Taylor's. He couldn't let this stunning blonde with the beautiful eyes go. "I wasn't looking were I was going either. I'm Adam."

Taylor smiled shyly, biting the inside of her cheek. The man standing in front of her was ruggedly handsome and hellishly tall. Sandy blonde hair and green eyes that so much reminded her of her daughters eyes. "Taylor, I'm really sorry about your suit."

Adam glanced down at his favourite suit and shook his head. "It's okay," he spoke honestly.

"No," Taylor replied, "Please let me pay for your dry cleaning?" She prayed that Adam would say no, knowing that she couldn't afford to pay for another persons dry cleaning.

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