Chapter Three

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They headed straight for the snow leopard enclosure at the far side of the zoo; it was still early so there weren't too many people around meaning they had an unobstructed view.

"Where is it Adam?" Daisy asked as she peered through the glass, "I can't see it."

Adam could see the leopard just out of Daisy's line of sight, but it was walking slowly towards them.

"Keeping looking Daisy," he replied. "I think you'll see it soon."

Daisy rested both her hands on the glass and looked in again, just as the leopard came into view. "Mommy look," Daisy said, "It's pretty."

Taylor smiled, "She's beautiful isn't she Daisy?"

"It's a girl?" Daisy asked keeping her eye on the leopard.

"Yeah," Taylor replied, reading the information chart, "Her name is Zoe."

"Hi Zoe," Daisy said as the leopard got closer, "my name is Daisy."

The leopard sat down in front of Daisy and Taylor slipped her phone out of her pocket to take a photo. "Daisy," she said, "look at me."

Daisy turned her head towards her mom and smiled whilst Taylor took a photo, then she turned back to watch the leopard. Suddenly the leopard pounced forwards and placed her paws on the glass causing Daisy to jump backwards, she wrapped her arms around Adam's leg. She looked up at him, "She frightened me."

"I don't think she meant too," Adam replied, gently rubbing his hand against her back. "I think she wanted to say 'hello' to you."

Daisy smiled and let go of Adam's leg, she cautiously moved back to the glass and looked at the leopard again.

"Do you want to go and see other animals Daisy?" Taylor asked, "We can come back here later."

"Okay mommy," Daisy replied, she held her hands up for both Taylor and Adam to hold and they walked onto the next enclosure.

Eventually they reached the sea lions, and a crowd had gathered around to watch them being fed.
"Adam," Daisy said, "I can't see. Can you lift me?" She held her arms up towards him, waiting to be lifted.

Adam looked towards Taylor for consent. Taylor nodded and Adam bent down to pick Daisy up, making sure that he was holding her securely. "Can you see now Daisy?" he asked.

Daisy nodded and put an arm around Adam's neck, "Yeah," she replied.

She giggled, "They're catching fish like this," she opened and closed her mouth, "Can you see them mommy?"

"Yeah sweetie," Taylor replied, "I can see them."

One of the sea lions clapped its flippers together and started making a sound. Daisy laughed again and looked at Adam, "It's funny," she said.

Adam nodded, "They are aren't they?"

Daisy nodded and looked back towards the sea lions. Meanwhile Taylor was watching Adam and Daisy interact, she slipped her phone out of her pocket and took a few photos of the two of them.

"Would you like me to take a photo of the three of you?" A woman with a thick southern accent asked.

Taylor was just about to shake her head 'no' but Adam spoke first, "Yes please," he replied, "we'd really appreciate that."

Taylor handed the woman her phone and Adam moved Daisy onto his left side and pulled Taylor closer to him with his right hand. He placed his right arm around her waist and Taylor moulded herself into his side, her own arm wrapping around him and her hand resting on Daisy's leg. The woman took a few photos and handed Taylor her phone back and thanked the woman.

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