Chapter Four

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"How's Daisy?" Adam asked Taylor, it was now Friday and they hadn't seen each other since Taylor and Daisy had left Adam's apartment on Wednesday night.

"Frustrated," Taylor replied, "She asked about you earlier actually, she wants to know when you're going to visit."

"Can I?" Adam asked hesitantly, "I'd like to see you both."

Taylor smiled, "Of course you can Adam, you're welcome here anytime."

"How about lunch?" Adam asked hopefully.

Taylor looked at the clock, it was 11:45, "I'll see you soon," she replied with a smile.

They disconnected and Taylor went into her bedroom to check on Daisy. She had been sitting in Taylor's bed watching DVDs on Taylor's laptop, but now she was fast asleep The Lion King still playing on the computer. Taylor stopped the DVD and switched the computer off; she made Daisy more comfortable, kissed her forehead and left the bedroom. Taylor had been worried when more spots appeared on Daisy's body but both her mom and Jason had assured her that this was normal and that Daisy would probably feel unwell for a few days. Taylor hated seeing her normally bubbly little girl so quiet and under the weather.

Adam arrived about twenty minutes later; Taylor opened the door to her apartment she waved him inside and shut the door behind him.

"Some vegetable soup for Daisy," Adam said holding up a bag, "Courtesy of my mom, she swears it helped me through many an illness when I was younger."

Taylor smiled and took the package from him, "Tell your mom thanks," she replied. She put the soup in the fridge and turned back to face Adam; standing on her tiptoes she pressed her lips against his quickly.

"Where's Daisy?" he asked.

"She's sleeping." Taylor replied.

Adam smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him, his lips found hers again and Taylor didn't protest, she opened her mouth to grant his probing tongue access her own tongue moving to meet his. Taylor moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed for long minutes, before eventually breaking apart both conscious that Daisy could wake up and see them.

"What would you like for lunch?" Taylor asked; she needed to do something that would occupy her mind so she wouldn't kiss him again.

"What do you have?" Adam asked.

Taylor bit her lip, "I'm not sure," she replied as she opened her fridge again, "Daisy hasn't been eating much but I haven't been grocery shopping since Sunday."

Adam smiled and peered inside, "Let's see what I can rustle up."

"Adam," Taylor said, "You're my guest I should be making you lunch."

Adam turned to face her, "You have been looking after Daisy all week you deserve a rest."

Taylor opened her mouth to protest, but Adam silenced her with a chaste kiss. "Sit down," he whispered, "and I'll make us lunch, then afterwards you're going to write a list and I'll go and get some groceries for you."


"Sit," he replied, "and watch a master at work."

Once they'd finished eating lunch true to his word Adam went and bought Taylor some groceries while she tidied up. When he returned they went into Taylor's living room and sat down. Adam lifted Taylor's legs up and laid them across his own.

"When is your mom coming?" Adam asked. Taylor had mentioned to him that her mom was going to drive to New York to see Daisy.

"Tomorrow," Taylor replied, "she's going to drive up in the morning and go back Sunday. Do you have plans tomorrow?"

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