Chapter Six

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"Hi Taylor," her colleague Rachel said as Taylor walked into her office, "How's Daisy?"

"Morning Rachel," Taylor replied, "She's a lot better thanks."

"Is she back in school?" Rachel asked.

Taylor shook her head, "No I've kept her off again today, my boyfriend is looking after her."

"Is this the guy you've been meeting everyday for lunch?"

Taylor furrowed her brows; the only time they talked about personal things was when Jackie was out, and that was usually limited to Taylor talking about Daisy and Rachel talking about her on/off boyfriend. Taylor was pretty sure she hadn't mentioned Adam.

"How do you know about that?" Taylor asked.

Rachel smiled, "Mark on security told me, he said that he waits outside for you every day."

Taylor could feel herself blushing, "He does." she replied.

"Wow," Rachel said, "Where did you meet him? I want to find one of those for myself."

Taylor chuckled, "I ran into him on the street and knocked him into a puddle."

"Really? You knocked him over?" Rachel asked.

Taylor nodded, "I offered to pay for his dry cleaning and he asked me for out for dinner."

"Well," a voice said from behind Taylor, "Look who's finally decided to show her face."

Taylor turned to face Jackie and forced a smile onto her face, "Good morning Jackie," she replied.

Jackie scowled, "The archives need sorting out they're a mess, so you can make yourself useful and do that. "I was looking for something on Friday and I couldn't find it."

Taylor took a deep breath and nodded, the archives were in the basement and there was no heating down there.

"Wait," Rachel said, "I was down there on Friday and everything was fine."

Jackie glared at Rachel, "Well it's not now. I want it finished today."

"It's going to take hours," Taylor said.

"Well then," Jackie replied smirking, "You'd better get started hadn't you?"

Taylor bit the inside of her mouth to stop herself from saying something she would later regret, she nodded and picked up her bag and left the room to go down to the cold basement, making sure she got her coat off the coat rack on the way past.

The sight that greeted her when she finally got downstairs made her want to cry, there were files everywhere. They were stacked up on the table in the centre of the room and they were on the floor too. Taylor knew that there was no way it had got like this accidentally, they had it drummed into them that they were to return items to their correct place once they had finished with them. This had been done deliberately and there was only one person who'd do such a thing. Jackie.


"Did you like it Adam?" Daisy asked once 101 Dalmatians had finished.

Adam nodded, "I did," he replied, "It was better than I remembered it. What would you like to do next?"

Daisy smiled, "Do you have any games on your phone?"

Adam shook his head, "No," he replied. He stood up and walked over to where he put the bag he'd brought with him. "But I do have this," he continued pulling an iPad out of it.

Daisy's face lit up, "Aunty Martha has one of those, it's like mommy's phone but bigger."

"That's right," Adam said. He walked back over to Daisy and sat down. "I asked your mommy what games you like and downloaded them for you."

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