Chapter Seven

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"Did you find what you were looking for?" Dianne asked when Adam eventually joined her in the kitchen.

Adam nodded and sat down at the huge island that dominated the room.

"Why did you need to see your baby photos so late?"

Adam looked down at the photo he had clutched in his hand. "This," he replied. He placed the photo onto the island.

Dianne leaned over to look at the photo, she smiled. "That's you when you were about five days old."

"I know," Adam replied, "I saw a similar photo earlier tonight but it wasn't until Charlie said what he did that I remembered where I'd seen it before."

"Adam," Dianne said, "You're not making any sense."

Adam shook his head, "I watched Daisy today so Taylor could go to work. I stayed for dinner and afterwards Taylor was drying Daisy's hair in her room. She has photos of Daisy from newborn through to one she took of her and the leopard when we went to the zoo." He paused and took a deep breath. "There was one that I was drawn to, Daisy was four days old and if I was to put them side by side..."

"Adam," Dianne said, "What're you suggesting?"

"I didn't think anything of it, all babies look alike right? But then Charlie said where he remembered Taylor from and..."

"You think that you're Daisy's father?" Dianne asked.

Adam nodded, "Maybe, I don't know. Taylor had a drunken one-night stand after a break up and got pregnant." He looked at his mom, "Don't think badly of her..."

"I don't," Dianne interrupted, "I wasn't exactly a saint in college."

"Thanks mom," Adam replied, "That's more than I needed to know."

Dianne smiled, "So considering you don't remember if you've slept with her or not I can assume that you also had a drunken one night stand?"

Adam nodded, "It was right after Maggie and I broke up for the final time. Charlie wanted to go to this big party; he talked me into going with him and left me alone the minute I got there. It was an open bar and I took full advantage."

"And you think now that it might have been Taylor? Adam do you realise what the odds of that being true would be? Also you said it yourself all babies look alike."

"You told me that when you saw Daisy colouring with both hands that it reminded you of me, that you'd never seen anybody else do that before."

"Well yeah," Dianne replied, "But that could just be a coincidence."

Adam shook his head, "You also said that certain mannerisms of hers reminded you of me."

"Again Adam it could just be a coincidence. Look don't go home tonight, spend the night here and sleep on this then think everything through in the morning when you have a clear head."

Adam ran his fingers through his hair and nodded, "Maybe you're right," he replied, "I should sleep on it."


Taylor's phone buzzed the minute she and Daisy arrived at Daisy's school she got her phone out of her coat pocket and saw that it was a text message from Karlie

-Coffee before work? I'll meet you there and we can talk and walk? Do you want a Soy vanilla latte?

Taylor smiled and typed out a quick response of 'Yes to both.' She hadn't seen Karlie in over a week as she had been out of town visiting Josh. She locked her phone, put it back in her pocket and raised her hand to her mouth to stifle a yawn. "Come on Daisy." Taylor said holding the door open for her daughter. Daisy skipped excitedly into the school and Taylor smiled thankful that the tears of the previous night seemed to be forgotten.

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