Chapter 6

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Time passed by quickly and I found myself waking up to the smell of hot chocolate on Christmas morning. Robert was always the first one up so the duty of making coffee or, as in for today, hot chocolate, was his. I loved waking up like this. I loved knowing that someone was always there for me no matter the situation.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. On the table I found a mug with a note on it : "Good Morning gorgeous. I saw that we were out of some things so I took the liberty of going to the shop near your house to get those items. I won't be out for long. Until I come back enjoy your hot chocolate. Much love, yours truly, Robert." The phrase "we were out of some things" made me smile. He already thought of us sharing certain things. It was like heaven collapsed on Earth. Then in struck me. Me and Robert were a couple. In the past 4 days we did everything together. We went shopping and sight seeing and of course we went out a couple of times. 

I took my mug and went into the living room. I sat on the couch cross-legged and started flipping through channels.  I dozed off once again.

I felt someone stroking my hair and as I opened my eyes there stood a smiling Robert.

"Hey sleepy head. It's time to open the presents!"

"My presents! Remember how you laughed at me in the mall because I had to bribe a 5 years old and I said I won't get you anything?"

"No you didn't Jo"

"Ohh yes I did Downey. This Christmas is present free for you! Now bring me my gifts."

One by one I started tearing up the wrapping paper.  The first one was a brand new Samsung Galaxy S4. " You didn't have to Robert! My cell works just fine!" 

"Yeah sure Jo! That's why you swear at it any time it blocks when you try to do something. And besides, it was my pleasure. I want to spoil my girl"

The second one was an acoustic guitar. As I saw it tears started flooding my eyes. It looked exactly like the one my dad bought for me when I was 12. The same. I remember how I told Robert about the guitar and how its neck cracked.

He hugged me tight whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I looked at the engraving on the back : "For my little girl. I love you forever and always, Dad." I brushed my fingers over it. Robert actually took the time on studying my old guitar. 

"Thank you Robert. It means the world to me. As a matter of fact I got you something too."

"I knew it. You can't resist the Downey charm darling."

I took the present from under the cushion and handed it to him. He slowly took off the paper wrapping the box. 

"A jewellery box. Uhhh I'm getting excited."

"It's not much but I thought you could use that when we're away from each other."

He opened the box revealing a silver necklace with a silver puzzle piece. He studied it and red the engraving on the back " Always in my heart. Love, Jo!"

As he looked at me I pulled my necklace from under my t-shirt revealing a puzzle piece that fitted his perfectly. He looked at his feet.

"It's not much. As I said it already. I'm sorry..." with that he interrupted me with a passionate kiss.

"It's perfect. It's absolutely perfect. Stop saying it's not much. You are the first one that ever bought me anything matching with something she bought for herself. It's the cutest and sweetest thing anybody ever did for me." He sighed.

"And to be honest I have something to tell you but I don't want you to freak out because we've only known each other for a week. I think you are the sweetest girl in this Universe..." he started saying as he was reaching for his pocket. He handed me a tiny box and as I opened it there stood 2 silver bands.

"It's not a proposal or anything so don't run away..."

"Robert this is my house why would I do that?" I said trying to lighten up the mood because he was so scared of me freaking out.

"I know. Well I took the liberty of buying us these 2 silver bands because you already mean the world to me and I love you....I really do. I've never felt this connected to anyone in my life and I want us to wear these as a promise that what we have now won't ever change."

I cupped his face and pulled him closer to me. "Never be scared Robert. You are the best thing that ever happened to me." I put his hand near my heart. " Do you feel this? Can you feel my heart beating? You did this. You took my broken heart and fixed it. Do you see the smile on my face? I've been wearing it for the past week because you put it there.I'm happy Robert. I'm happy that I got to meet you. I'm happy that you chose me out of all the girls you could of have."

"I'm happy that you took me Jo. I'm happy that you said yes when I asked you to be mine..." I pulled him even closer, our foreheads touching.

"You pulled me back up Robert. I will gladly wear my silver band, because I love you too. More than I thought I will ever love somebody and I promise that wherever life might take us I will be by your side making sure that you receive all the love that this world can offer." I kissed him and took my silver band out of the box. On the inside there stood the words: "Forever your. Robert"

"No let me put that" He slipped the ring on my finger and it fitted perfectly. I did the same to him. We could stop giggling and smiling. It was surreal. 

"How on Earth did you get my ring measure Downey?"

"Ohh I just .....I looked into your jewellery box and took the tiniest one out. Hope you won't mind"

"Can you get more perfect than this Robbie?" 

The rest of the day we watched Christmas movies. Of course "Home Alone" was a must see. We laughed and chatted and ate popcorn and drank wine. He held me close to him like he wouldn't want to let go of me. 

He took me off the couch bridal style and put me on the bed. He started kissing me and caressing my sides. At one moment he stopped and looked me deeply in the eye. 

"If you don't want anything to happen you just have to say it Jo. I won't push you. into anything you don't want to do."

I only managed to moan as he was kissing my jawline. He took it as an yes and what happened next it was like a fairy tale. As we both collapsed on the bed he pulled me closer.

"You don't even know how much I love you Jo. You are so beautiful."

"I love you more than words can say Robert." and with that we both fell asleep in each others arms.

The Chronicles of Two Broken Wings { Robert Downey Jr.} [First Book]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora